Boxing De Stress

When you are not feeling well and the Doctor says “it is stress related,” take a step back and look at your lifestyle. Is there physical activity in your routine or have you become sedentary? The truth is that stress will play a role in many diseases and overall quality of life. Getting off the couch or pushing yourself away from the computer to exercise can seem tedious and uninspiring at times. Enter boxing.

Boxing can be an extremely effective remedy for sedentary people looking get into shape, or fit people looking to change up their workout routine. If you have ever heard any expert on health and fitness talk about the boxing, you will hear high praise for what an incredible total body workout it is. The benefits of boxing as a complete body exercise are difficult to equal, and few exercises provide the fun and excitement that boxing can.

In addition, boxing can be a powerful tool to fight stress for several reasons:

1. Outlet for frustration. As life becomes annoying, turning to a high-energy exercise such as boxing provides an effective release of negative emotions and turns the unhealthy emotions into motivation for increased health and well-being.

2. Increase ‘feel good’ hormones. Boxing decreases ‘stress hormones’ and increases endorphins, giving your mood a natural ‘feel good’ boost.

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3. Distraction. Boxing provides an opportunity to think about something else besides what is ‘stressing you out’. As you feel yourself unwinding your thoughts could lead you to a resolution of the stressful situation or encourage you to ‘smell the roses’ and relax.

4. Look good, feel good. A personal benefit of boxing is that it helps you lose weight, tone your body, and maintain a healthy look. Now, when you put on that new outfit, you will see results and project an increase in confidence and strength.

5. Social support. Boxing usually includes being around others. Having others to exercise with at the gym, interacting with a personal trainer and fellow boxers, provides a double dose of stress-relief with the combination of exercise and fun with others.

6. Stress and illness. Stress can cause illness, illness can cause stress By improving your overall health with exercise and activity, boxing will save a great deal of stress by strengthening your immunity to colds, the flu and other minor illnesses and helping you stay healthier longer. You will enjoy life more because of it.

7. Gain self-confidence. Your new-found strength, agility, and power will make you feel great. You’ll earn how to use your body every minute of the day, not just during your workout, and develop your body and mind through boxing.

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Given all these benefits, why aren’t more people boxing? Well, have you ever been to a boxing gym? At the risk of over-generalizing, boxing clubs can be intimidating, poorly equipped, dingy places you would not want to workout in. Most people who want to try boxing are looking for an upbeat, safe atmosphere, and not to hit someone else. There are many times more homemakers, accountants and doctors than there are professional boxers. At Innovative Fitness, we achieve a balance by taking the best training practices of boxers, who are clearly some of the best conditioned athletes in the world, and creating a fun, stress relieving fitness program that is both save and enjoyable for everyday people. We encourage people of all demographics to give boxing a try. So head to Innovative Fitness, strap on the gloves, and get ready for a new, faced-paced challenge with one of our boxing-knowledgeable trainers. You’ll feel and love the difference.

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by Tony Milch