Many new internet marketers make mistakes when picking a domain name for their blogs. While this is a common mistake, picking a name for your blog is the easy part. All you have to do to pick a great domain name for your blog is to incorporate your keywords within the name.
For example; if your blog is going to be about gossip, then you should pick a name like this: letsgossip or anything that has your particular keyword in it. If you are doing it for fun then you do not have to worry about any search engine stuff.
However, if you are looking to make money with your blog, you will have to make it search engine friendly and you must blog on a regular basis. Knowing what your keywords are and using them correctly will boost your blogs ranking.
Your keywords are to be used in the titles of your blog posts, and in the body of your posts the recommended amount of time to avoid getting penalized for keyword staffing. Making your blog posts SEO friendly is a very effective way to drive targeted traffic to your blog.
The secret to creating a successful blog is making sure that all your blog posts are keyword rich. Creating keyword rich blog posts will help your blog to rank higher on search engines. When someone enters in a keyword that is relevant to your blog or topic, your blog is more likely to appear in search results.
Pinging your blog regularly will enable your blogs new content to get indexed by search engines. When people type search terms related to your blog, your blog will appear in search results if you did a good job with onsite SEO.
Blogging is not hard if you know what you are doing, of course it will be hard when you just starting but it will get better with time. Persistence is all you need to achieve your goals online, blogging about things you are passionate about or knowledgeable of will make your blogging experience a blast.
Being a blog owner myself, trust me I know what I am talking about. I have been around a block or two when it comes to internet marketing as the name of my website suggest. When I just started I didn’t know that I was going to become an expert in this field of internet marketing because everything seemed so hard.
by Viora Mayobo