Inside The Oscars – Nominee Leonardo Dicaprio’s Aura

All the Academy Awards nominees for Best Actor have given outstanding performances… on the surface. They spoke their lines believably, developed an interesting character, got the voice, the walk, the look. Perhaps most extraordinary, these superb actors received direction with enough objectivity to improve a character’s portrayal, rather than destroying it.

No wonder the Oscar nominees are so greatly admired. Yet only a tiny minority of them have gone all the way, changing their CHAKRAS. This takes the greatest talent, and a rare kind of courage.

What it is like to shift that deep, playing a part? Nothing within you feels the same. Imagine a length of beige cloth that you are dying green. Most people would be satisfied with a cloth that looks green. But you won’t be satisfied with some simple dunk in the vat. You find a way to do the ultimate transformation. Consequently, the cloth changes so completely that if you held the most powerful microscope in the world up that cloth, the most minute fibers would glow bright green.

Well, okay, here is something easier to imagine: What happens when an aura reader like me turns movie critic? I can read the deepest possible shifts within an actor. And that is just what I will do in this article, with an in-depth critique of Leonardo DiCaprio’s performance in “Blood Diamond.” (If you would like to receive links to the photos I used in this article, email me at my website.)

Since I can read auras from regular photographs (and could teach you to do the same, incidentally), it is easy to compare the aura of an actor just being himself to his still shot from the movie, where he is in character. Did I see this movie? No. All I know about this role is that he plays a South African mercenary. But reading from photos, I asked this question: Who could transform all the way? Here is what I found about Leonardo in this movie:

Root chakra–How his personality projects when he enters a room

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As himself: Powerful charisma, with a very strong physical presence and a healthy dollop of ego.

In the movie: Tough as nails, indomitable, ready to kill. A complete change of aura.

Sex chakra–What would he be like as a lover?

As himself: Strong drive, intensely appealing, emphasizing physical sensuousness, takes his time.

In the movie: Bad boy sexiness, way hard to get, intensely desirable… especially if you like men on the sadistic side. Right off, DiCaprio achieves a complete change of aura.

Solar plexus chakra–Handling power, what is his pattern at the time of this photo?

As himself: Huge confidence. Not arrogant, there is an almost regal sense that “Nobody messes with Leonardo.”

In the movie: Loves power, lives for it. Power-seeking dominates his aura, projects more than other databanks. Incidentally, to this character “power” means getting your way, with as much cruelty as possible just for enjoyment. Glad to say, for Leonardo this represents a complete change of aura.

Heart chakra–How does he handle emotions?

As himself: Intensely private, Leonardo has become a walking computer about emotions, having developed enormous detachment about his inner experiences. Along with a huge repertoire of felt emotions, he has analyzed, memorized and compartmentalized how to project various emotions. (The closest you or I might come to meeting someone like this is if you happen to know a very experienced, analytical therapist…. Or a highly self-conscious, long-term therapy patient.)

In the movie: Cold-hearted, interested only in himself and deadened even to his own feelings. It’s another complete change of aura.

Communication chakra–Truthfulness? Talent? What shows here?

As himself: Crafty and wily, Leonardo is like a card player holding a full deck. He could choose any way to act. Truthfulness almost seems irrelevant, as if this is a consideration only for people with such limited consciousness that they are given only one card to play. He does not have issues about cheating people or lying, just an extraordinary flexibility. (And if you should be thinking, “Aren’t all actors like this?” the simple answer is, “Absolutely not. This is the throat chakra of a master actor.”)

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In the movie: Would just as soon lie as spit, and glad to do both. Stored rage and bitterness contribute to his need to stay in hiding as a person, keeping all his communications under control. Score one more complete change of aura.

Spirituality chakra–How does he connect to God?

As himself: Huge consciousness here shows a very advanced soul. This is the aura of someone who is far more awake inside than most people you will meet on the planet.

In the movie: Access to spirit is limited. He moves forward on his own steam, not expecting or receiving much conscious help from anyone but himself. If he thinks about God at all, that would be a cruel God of hatred. Voila! Here is another complete change of aura.

Soul expression chakra–Deep down, how does this person feel as a human being?

As himself: Glowing, enjoying his life to the maximum, Leonardo is a highly self-actualized person.

In the movie: Because he puts himself first in every situation, this man shows a strong connection at the high heart chakra. Grim more than happy, he still shows a me-first determination that can be highly inspiring to an audience. (Most people do not do nearly enough on-target, joy-bringing, “me first.”) This also counts as a complete change of aura.

Summary: Leonardo DiCaprio is one of America’s most talented actors. In “Blood Diamond,” he has given his chakras a complete and credible makeover. Cleverly, he has combined characteristics of strength, self-confidence, exceptional focus, and that outrageous sexiness.

It makes sense to lay on the sex appeal during a performance. This correlates strongly with winning, whatever your category as an actor. Academy voters may think they have responded to range of emotion or other refined artistic values, but if human, they respond most strongly to the amount and kind of sex appeal projected in a film.


Source by Rose Rosetree