Post-Meditation Gibberish Means It’s Working

Now, this is not a universal experience.

It’s pretty common. It happens to me all the time and I see it in others, too.

Some of you will read this and nod your head. For everyone else, keep this in the back of your mind. You might find it useful one day.

There’s a curious phenomenon with meditation. You might go so far as to call it a side effect.

This phenomenon is where, after a really good meditation session, you suddenly become completely inarticulate. You can barely string two words together. I’m not talking about if you try to describe your session, you find your experiences don’t translate well to words.

No – this is where you can’t talk about anything.

Something as simple as your dinner plans leaves you grasping for the right vocabulary.

Like I say, not everyone will know what I’m talking about. Some lifelong meditators never experience it.

This is for the rest of us.

The best remedy for this is time. Your words will return to you. Simply take a breath or five. Your brain needs to switch gears again, then it will know what to say.

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If you don’t have time or you don’t want to wait, how can you speed this up?

It helps to know what causes it.

The brain has two hemispheres – left and right. It’s a misconception to say that you favour one or the other. All complex tasks use both hemispheres. But it’s also a misconception to conclude that they are the same. Each specialises in different styles of thinking and logic.

Your left brain tends to be more analytical, its thoughts are more linear and it likes to think of the past or future. The right hemisphere tends to be more open, parallel and thinks in the present moment.

This is an oversimplification, of course. Your brain is complicated and no simple model can capture it. Even so, it’s pretty accurate.

Language mostly comes from the left hemisphere. But notice that the right one pays attention to the present moment. When you practice mindfulness meditation, your right brain temporarily activates more than your left brain.

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The better you held your attention on the present, the more intense this imbalance becomes.

Of course, this shift is tiny. It’s not like your left hemisphere switches off and you become a blubbering, irrational goofball. But if you find yourself unable to find the words, it’s because that part of your brain has put its feet up and it enjoying a rest.

Time restores your balance. If you want to speed it up, then start engaging your left brain. Count from one to ten, then start over. Pay attention to specific details in your environment. Make it clear in your mind where your body ends and the world out there begins.

And, of course, you can practice speaking. That’s the surest way to find your words again. It’s also a good measure of how far deep inside yourself you went and how quickly you’re returning.


Source by William T Batten