The Application of Physics to Modern Youth

The modern youth of today is more prone to falling under labels whether it be through identifying themselves with personal features or talents. However, one title that a majority will be able to uphold will be a physics student. The subject of science may not be everyone’s cup of tea but if you look closely the seven branches of physics can be applied in your everyday environment. The branches of physics are known as quantum mechanics, relativity, electromagnetism, optics, vibrations and wave phenomena, thermodynamics, and mechanics.

Quantum mechanics is defined as the behavior of submicroscopic particles which translates to understanding the nature of particles and their role in certain environments. A perfect example would be waking up to a bright and sunny day, and taking time to comprehend the fundamental basics of light seeping through your window curtains.

The second branch of physics is relativity which is defined as particles moving at any speed in any given scenario. An everyday example of relativity would be comprehending the process of how a GPS can guide a lost person. The law of relativity can be found in the breakdown of understanding how quickly particles travel to connect to a satellite to guide someone to their desired destination.

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The third branch is electromagnetism which is classified as electricity, magnetism, and light. The modern technology of magnetism used to create a magnetic lock that guards most of today’s banks and personal possessions in homes across the globe.

Optics is the fourth branch which is the study of light, and a modern application would fall under how eyes perceive light. The fifth branch is vibrations and wave phenomena which is the specific types of repetitive motions in modern applications.

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An application of the fifth branch can be found by the frequency found in radio waves when people listen music on their daily drive.

The sixth branch of physics is mechanics which is the branch of motion and it causes as well as interactions between objects. The everyday scenario that can be applied to mechanics would be scenarios in which clumsy people analyze the motion of falling objects.

The last branch in physics would be thermodynamics which is defined as heat and temperature. A simple example of thermodynamics would be the process of melting and freezing like certain engines such as refrigerators.

All the listed examples are the few chosen of many but being labeled as a physics student can be done just by looking at your own environment.


Source by Melanie Pineda