Thomas Webb | Ethical Hacking: Subverting Systems, Solving Problems | me Convention talks | Video

“New Creativity | Hacking has developed a bad name because of its associations with malicious activity and intent. Yet hacking itself is simply about finding and exploiting vulnerabilities – which can help make our systems more secure. At the same time, solving problems in unusual ways, thinking outside the box and subverting standard processes is an essential part of hacking – which is why it’s so closely connected to innovation and creativity.

READ ALSO:  Ethical Hacking Tutorials in Hindi Class-13 | What is Dos And dDos Attack Explained | Video

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  1. Oh my good god! I think you’ve ruined any relationship you may have had with the magic community, and quite possibly damaged the careers of good entertainers. You copy other people’s ideas and claim they are your own – I’ve seen much evidence of this. What’s absolutely morally reprehensible is you’ve decided to make a video about it publicly. I sat here cringing at all your technical mistakes about UHF NFC (you mean HF NFC, I doubt you could afford or understand UHF RAIN RFID), “Arduino” code where I think you actually mean the C language, FYI Arduino is a platform and IDE not a language you moron. Your IDE looked very much like VSCode, but guessing you didn’t know that when you image searched “coding” in google. You “hacked” some boys in school that were looking at porn… or did you just look at the history in Netscape Navigator? What’s more worrying is as a teenage boy you were less interested in the porn and more interested in ratting on your peers. Go figure. Browsing history is not hacking. Go to or watch defcon if you really want to understand info sec. Blockchain, fucking blockchain, your David Brent moment nearly finished me off…. “blockchain is a ledger” what the actual fuck? A Blockchain is decentralised record of anything, it’s not encrypted but entries are digitally signed, it would be kinda pointless if it was encrypted… it DOES contains hashes of previous entries to prevent historical amendments. I’m so tired of seeing twats like you ride on the shoulders of experts and give this impression you-know-what-the-fuck you’re talking about. You’ve really burnt yourself with the magic industry. I’m not a magician but I provide a lot of help to them and even I can resist the urge to make myself look like a prick by revealing their method. Just please…. shut the fuck up next time, and I wont be such a troll.

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