Investing in Silver American Eagle Coins – Making a Good Investment Decision Even Better

Are silver American Eagle Coins the right investment for you? We are facing challenging times. Many national economies are in a state of transition, with some even teetering on the brink of defaulting on their national debt. Consumer confidence remains low, with unemployment high. Many analysts are recommending investments which will remain liquid and will provide a solid hedge against inflation. These analysts recommend that their clients invest in precious metals. For the most part that means investments in physical gold and silver. And for many wise investors that means acquiring gold or silver coins or bars.

The wisdom of purchasing gold or silver is obvious. Precious metals hold their value in times of economic uncertainty. And we certainly have plenty of that right now. Purchasing and holding bullion and investment grade coins rather than paper assets provides even more security in that the investor is not relying on decisions made by a fund manager in the case of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETF’s).

They are also not exposed to the systemic risk of holding paper assets in a fluctuating economy. And although it is possible to have a custodial arrangement with a depository which will hold your tangible asset for an annual fee, there is considerable satisfaction, security, and confidence provided by actually maintaining physical control of the metal without having to rely on an intermediary to liquidate those assets quickly should you decide you want to sell them.

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Investment grade coins are a sound investment and a wise decision. The government which minted the coins has taken infinite care in providing investors who purchase the coins with guaranteed purity and weight. With those risks being taken out of the equation, investment decisions become much easier. The gold-or-silver question becomes easier when you look at the ease of selling your coins should that become necessary.

It is far more likely that you will find a buyer with the ability to pay for a single silver coin than for a far more costly gold piece. So many people opt for the silver option rather than the gold. And when it comes to investment grade silver coins, none is held in higher regard than the silver American Eagle produced by the U.S. Mint.

The decision now is where to purchase your coins. With so many sources for silver American Eagle coins, the wisest decision will probably be made based on the coin’s price. The closer to the “spot” price of silver that you can purchase your Silver Eagle, the better the return on your investment will be. In other words, an astute investor will purchase his coins from the dealer who can provide the lowest possible price.

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You can buy your American Silver Eagle Coins directly from the US Mint, but you will pay a high price.

I suggest you shop around. There are only 10 giant gold and silver bullion wholesale companies in the United States who are licensed to purchase the American Silver Eagle Coins directly from the US Mint, in huge quantities. So these 10 companies get them for the lowest prices, however they do not sell directly to the public. They are wholesales so they only sell to licensed gold and silver dealers.

Thousands of dealers buy from these 10 wholesalers. They buy at wholesale, mark them up, and then sell them to consumers. I recently found a way to totally bypass the dealer markup altogether. There are no minimum quantity purchases required. You can buy as few or as many as you wish so it’s perfect for the beginner investor or the serious investor who is looking to buy at the lowest possible prices.

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by Doyle Shuler