Naming Your Child – The Critical Numerology Secret Most Parents Do Not Know But Should

Parents have a huge responsibility in raising their children and insuring their welfare. One of the facets of parental care and responsibility actually begins with the naming of the child. This may seem unimportant but the name a child is given at birth is critical to its health, well-being and success in life. People may believe there is no significance between a person’s name and their life but there actually is. Things are not as they seem externally. Spiritual energies are at work in our lives even though we may not be aware of them. Disbelief does not negate them. They are real, and part of their manifestation is associated with the full birth name of an individual which helps set the destiny of that individual. Therefore, the name we parents give our children is critical and we would be wise to understand and apply the critical secret to naming our children.

Life is energy, and the elements that create life are designated by numbers and letters. For example, Hydrogen is designated in the Periodic Table of Elements by the letter “H” and has an atomic number of 1; Carbon is designated by the letter “C” and has an atomic number of 6; Oxygen is designated by the letter “O” and its number is 8. Currently there are 118 known elements. All of the elements are not only designated by a letter and numerical value but they are also grouped together with other elements of similar properties.

Like elements, people’s names are comprised of letters which also have a numerical label and which are also grouped together by similar properties. Letters are really symbols identifying vibrations or frequencies, just as a musical note or letter, such as middle “C,” identifies a vibration associated with a specific sound. The numbers associated with letter groupings, called genera in the King’s Numerology, are the following:

Number 1: A-J-S. Traits: self, ego, independence, identity, action, leadership, solo, starts, yang

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Number 2: B-K-T. Traits: others, dependence, relationship, partnership, teamwork, division, yin

Number 3: C-L-U. Traits: image, health, beauty, children, words, communication, pleasure, media

Number 4: D-M-V. Traits: order, structure, stability, roots, work, service, routines, rules, effort, tradition

Number 5: E-N-W. Traits: freedom, detachment, diversity, versatility, motion, irregular, non-tradition

Number 6: F-O-X. Traits: home, heart, personal love, nurturing, compassion, community, responsibility

Number 7: G-P-Y. Traits: internalization, introspection, examination, analysis, recession, solitary

Number 8: H-Q-Z. Traits: externalization, commerce, management, orchestration, execution, manipulation

Number 9: I-R. Traits: universality, public stage, expansion, endings, education, theater, power

The Critical Secret

When one of the numbers 1 through 9 (based on the letter groupings) is missing in the full name at birth there is the distinct possibility of problems in the life of the person related to the characteristics associated with the letter grouping (genera) in question. Such missing numbers are called voids and voids are highly problematic, especially when negatively aspected in a numerology chart. They are exactly what they reference-a void, an emptiness. Voids can also be likened to the missing wiring in an automobile. For example, if there is no wire from the ignition switch to the battery, a car will never start, no matter how perfect it is in all other aspects. If there is no wiring from the brake pedal to the brakes, the car won’t be able to stop even though it can run. Voids are missing wiring in a person’s name.

For example, if a person has no Bs, Ks or Ts (represented by the number 2) in his or her full birth name, the potential for problems in the areas of close personal relationships, caring for others, being a team player, supporter, partner, etc. are enhanced. Champion boxers often have a 2 void in their charts signifying a lack of concern for others, i.e., their opponents. People susceptible to a lack of common sense, wisdom or depth of thought often have a void of G, P or Y- letters with a value of 7. Individuals who have trouble seeing how to connect the dots and make things flow smoothly in business or relationships will often have an 8 void.

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Voids are not necessarily a bad thing, but they can cause problems. If parents want to insure their unborn children have as balanced a life as possible, then making sure every number in the birth name is present is essential. In other words, make sure there is either an A, J or S to protect against severe identity and independent issues; a B, K or T to guard against insensitivity and a lack of concern for others; a C, L or U to protect against health issues, diseases, problems with children, concerns arising from negative communication, over-indulgence and so forth.

A child who has no voids is a soul who will have potentially fewer problems in life because he or she will have more balance. If a void (or voids) occurs in a negative position in a chart or is active simultaneously through multiple numeric patterns, there will be problems in the individual’s life. Having no voids does not insure against having no problems, but it does insure against a severity of those problems, which can be critical to the well-being, even life, of the individual. Hence, the critical activity of naming children.


What we name our children is critical to their life and its well-being. Having missing numbers in the full birth name based on the numeric genera and their corresponding letters will create voids-holes or missing wiring-which can be problematic. Therefore, having no missing numbers in the birth name guarantees no voids and therefore a mitigation of potential problems that would otherwise be present during the life of the individual. In a simple phrase: no voids, fewer problems.


by Richard Andrew King