Numerology of the Kennedy Plague and JFK Assassination

He was young, rich, dynamic and charismatic-a modern day iconic King of Camelot whose tragic death would befit a Shakespearean drama. The youngest man ever elected to the Presidency of the United States of America at the age of forty-three, he was also the youngest to die ( America’s 35th Commander-in-Chief, he was John Fitzgerald Kennedy, notably known by his initials, JFK. Kennedy was assassinated on Friday, 22 November 1963 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas at 12:30 pm (Wikipedia), allegedly at the hands of lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald, although conspiracy theories still abound to this day and do not acknowledge Oswald as the lone assassin. Kennedy’s killing was only one aspect of a family plagued by tragedy, tumult, suffering and chaos.

What number plagues the Kennedy family?

  • Which number foreshadowed a life of tragedy for JFK?
  • What number was most dominate regarding JFK’s assassination?
  • What master number formed a dangerous tristack at the time of JFK’s assassination?

The Kennedy Plague

The name “Kennedy” was iconic to the Twentieth Century. No political name was more famous or more tragic. Why? There are many reasons, but certainly one main reason involves the master number 33, arguably the most dangerous of all the master numbers because of its pleasure-addictive, image-laden, self-expressive, sexually potent energies. In fact, the number 33 can be considered as the pleasure opiate of the master number spectrum. Simply queried, how many lives have been lost, damaged or negatively impacted as a result of the Kennedy family’s uncontrolled pleasure-seeking behaviors?

So where is the problematic numeric issue? It lies within the name “Kennedy” itself, which translates into a 33 master number. This is not to say the number 33 is completely negative. Every number has two sides – one positive, one negative. But master numbers are like nuclear energy, and if they are not controlled, they can be extremely destructive.

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Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, Jr., Helen Keller and Jackie Robinson all have the 33 in their charts and they were able to control its energies and express them positively in the promotion and expression of the fullness and goodness of life. On the other hand, such famous individuals as Charlie Sheen, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan and Phil Spector could not control the 33’s destructive energies, and their lives, like the Kennedy’s, have become tragic monuments to the 33’s seductive power of partying, sex, drugs, affliction and addiction.

History has proven that the Kennedy family has been quite challenged by the 33’s self-gratifying persona, as has been noted in the reckless sexual escapades involving JFK’s affairs, including his own and his brother Bobby’s contiguous liaisons with Marilyn Monroe, not to mention Ted Kennedy and the Chappaquiddick incident involving the tragic death of Mary Jo Kopechne. This kind of sexual indulgence and pleasure-seeking is a direct result of unrestrained 33 energy, which has generated a plague for the Kennedy legacy as well as playing an energetic role in the chart of JFK at the time of his assassination.

Tragic Lifepath

As the 33 is the most problematically addictive master number, the 7 Lifepath carries the potential of being the most difficult and sorrow-laden. Ironically, the 7 Lifepath also houses the greatest potential for spiritual progress. However, spiritual progress comes only with great discipline and devotion to substantive self-analysis, self-reflection, self-examination and purity of conduct. Absent these qualities, the spiritual potential of the number 7 wanes and its energies of secrecy, betrayal, adultery, intrigue, tumult and chaos wax substantially.

John F. Kennedy had a 7 Lifepath. Therefore, from his first breath to his last, his life would have been replete with spiritual testing, as well as temptation, from a whole host of conflictive arenas. The whole object of the 7 Lifepath is to overcome temptation and barriers designed to test the soul in order to assess its worthiness to move higher in consciousness. Because of this testing aspect of the 7, there would be many pressures in JFK’s life for him to manage, both on a personal, public, professional and political level.

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It was the number 7 that was dominate during the time of Kennedy’s assassination. Creating a six stack of energy, a circumstance called stacking, the 7 was active in 1. JFK’s Lifepath, 2. Name Timeline PE of “Fitzgerald,” 3. Letter Timeline in the “G” of “Fitzgerald;” 4. as the Universal Day (22 November 1963 is a 7 day in reduction); 5. in the name “Dealey” (Plaza) where the assassination occurred (“Dealey” is a 7 in reduction) and 6. on the day he was buried, 25 November (25=7 in reduction). This amount of stacked 7 energy cannot be ignored in JFK’s demise.

Master Number Tristack at Death

The master number 33 raised its head again in the demise of John Kennedy, creating a tristack (3 stack). The first component was the name Kennedy itself, already discussed. The second part involved the 1st Pinnacle of the day he was assassinated, 22 November, which is a combination of the calendar day and month (22 + 11 [Nov.] = 33). The third part involved Kennedy’s 7/33 Grand Challenge, which was active during the time of his death. Again, this is an example of the intensity of stacking.


John F. Kennedy was a popular, charismatic president. Yet, his life was filled with conflict, betrayal and tragedy. The single number 7 and the master number 33 played major roles in his life and death. The numeric reality of stacking also had a dominant role in his destiny. ~finis


by Richard Andrew King