Two Major Benefits of Guest Blogging for Your Business

Since web 2.0 was born, a lot of authors turned into bloggers. Even many who did not have the heart to write, began to tell their stories at blogosphere. Today, bloggers write for the other blog sites. There must be some reasons why people do this and there must be some benefits for the authors who decide to spend some time creating content for other sites. Here are two of these reasons:

Guest Blogging is a Unique Opportunity to Advertise for Yourselves

The owner of another blog allows your content to be published at his/her site. It means that you will be showcased there and exposed to his/her audience. All of them get to know you and read your content to see what you have to tell them. This is awesome and the web did not have such opportunity to offer the people like you before the birth of interactive web.

So, cherish such cases and if you have not managed to find such generous friends on the web, just look for them. There are a lot of people who would be happy to have someone like you to write quality content for them. Establish yourself as an expert in what you write about. Let the readers of the host blog understand how deeply you master the subject you write about. Invite them to pose questions and answer them diligently and honestly.

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These days in many facets of marketing on the web, you are not supposed to advertise for yourselves directly. In general, people do not like the way they are told what to buy, whom to hire, etc. They should find out why they should do that and what benefits they get if they do so. Therefore, it all boils down to web copywriting and how you present yourselves within the words of the blog post you publish at the host website.

These blog readers could turn into your fervent readers and subscribe directly to your blog as they will find out where you mainly publish your content. So, you should act like a magnet attracting those enthusiastic readers to your site. This will bring keener targeted audience to your own blog.

Guest Blogging is a Unique Opportunity to Build Links

The world is a marketplace where you do not find free lunch anywhere. There should be something in return for what you offer. You write for other blogs and create interesting content for them. They should do something for you. So, here they accept to allow you to publish a couple of links to your blog/site.

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This is a very great opportunity you should make use of carefully. Usually, blogs let you write a short paragraph about yourselves. In a couple of short sentence, you could say who you are and what you do. Your call to action could be there and this is mainly done by inserting those two or three links to your website’s inner pages.

Get prepared for guest blogging before you go to a blog owner asking him/her for this opportunity and do your homework first. You need to optimize certain pages of your site as landing pages. Then, use the keywords of these pages at the author’s biography section of your guest blog linking them to your landing pages.

If you have not started guest blogging yet, it is never late to do so. Just plan to start it in your earliest time possible. You will regret why you have not begun this useful process earlier.

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by Rahman Mehraby