Youth Football – Using the Dummy Relay Race For Evaluating and Conditioning Youth Football Players

We use a variety of fun games to not only condition our kids but for team building and evaluation purposes as well. Youth Football is a game that values core strength, the strength a player has from just under his hips to just under his chest. This strength is what allows players to control their bodies. Youth Football is all about very short bursts of speed and changes in direction. Those that can burst, stop, change direction and accelerate in very small areas are those that have the natural ability to go very far in the game of football.

Unfortunately the typical 40 yard dash or pushup contest doesn’t measure for this skill set, but there are games you can play that will help reveal those that do and do not have core strength. One of the kids and my favorite “games” (game for the kids, an evaluation and conditioning tool for me) is the Dummy Delay race. This is one that once you run it, the kids will beg for it all season. It’s a game that will get all the kids shouting encouragement for each other and have the parents howling with laughter from their seats.

Getting Started

You start by dividing your team into “teams” of 4-5 kids. You may want to have each coach be the “head coach” of a single team to bring some competitive fire to the game. Put a pylon down to mark where each team lines up in single file line behind their team captain or coach. Next put a pylon directly in front of the teams cone at about 15 yards for 9-10 year old kids, you can go longer for older kids and shorter for the younger kids. Just make sure all the teams are lined up side by side and have the same distance to run to their cones. Now have the captain of each team start it off by grasping a tall blocking dummy, this is usually done by holding it the long way close to the chest in bear hug type fashion. The goal of the game is to run with the dummy around the pylon and back to your teammate, it is a relay. When the player gets back to the starting pylon he hands the dummy off to the next player. We usually have the 4 losing teams do 5 pushups to make it interesting.

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How It Works

What you will find is the kids that have core strength, the athletes, will have little problem holding the dummy and running around the pylon. On the other hand those that have poor core strength will wobble when they try to run with the dummy and will rarely be able to run it a straight line, they will look like a listing ship. The results of this game may really surprise you. We have often had nice looking big kids we thought were real athletes, struggle with this, looks can deceive. On the other hand we have had small wiry kids that didn’t look like they were very athletic at all just crush this drill and go on to play significant roles for our teams at “skill” positions. This game really separates the kids that can play from those that can’t, a huge time saver we all need in that first week of football practice.


If you do this game using a quick enough pace and with small enough team sizes it can even help you with your conditioning. Think about it, the distance covered is 30 yards, about 7 seconds worth of a short burst, then the 4 other players do their 7 seconds and time to do 5 pushups means a total “rest” of 40 seconds. Sounds like the interval many football plays are run in real games, a 6-7 second burst followed by a 40-50 second interval to get the ball set and in and out of the huddle, imagine that.

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The Real Fun Part

Once we have had ample time to evaluate the players, we like to add a twist to this game for purely fun reasons. Pair teams against each other by having just 1 pylon for both teams. The goal is to run around the pylon and back to your next relay player, but now contact is allowed. So when the competing players go around the pylons they can run into each other using the dummy against their chest as a big cushion. The squeals of laughter will be heard in the next county on this one, I promise and your parents will think you are some kind of cool coaching genius.

We usually do this game at our first practice of the season. In the end you will know who your players are and have a bunch of enthusiastic, motivated and satisfied kids and parents.

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by Dave Cisar