
Importance of C Programming

‘C’ seems a strange name for a programming language. But this strange sounding language is one of the most popular computer language today because it is structured, high level, machine independent language. It allows software […]


The Number One Vitamin for Combating Cancer

In today’s medical community, it is taught that you need chemicals to overcome cancer. However, naturopathic oncologist are proving this wrong each and every day. The treatments being used in alternative cancer centers utilize vitamins […]


Sleep and the Farmer

Many people in the farming industry regularly work from morning till night, every moment being filled with labour-intensive activity. Certain times of the year are especially busy due to seasonal or climatic demands. Then there […]


Growing Industrial Hemp

Otherwise known as Cannabis, hemp is an industrial fibre. Defined in various ways depending on which country you are in. Most countries view THC < 1% to be a non-drug form of cannabis (cannabis for […]