
Cold War Conflicts

According to John Rid, Cold war is not a civil war which takes place in a country due to variation of opinions among different classes of people. Such war sometimes pushes a nation towards a […]


Devi Cult In India

Hindus are either Shaivites or Vaishnavites. Of course, now we worship all, including Budha and Guru Nanak. It would appear that Devi worship was prevalent throughout India, from a much earlier period, involving animal and […]


Easy Meditation Techniques

To start meditating, choose a time and a place where you won’t be disturbed for the duration of your meditation session. When you are starting out, you may decide to set aside 10 or 15 […]


Computer Hacking Methods and Protection

Protecting your computer against hacking is different from protecting it against viruses that you accidentally or unknowingly invite into your computer that then cause damage in one form or another. Anti-hack is about protecting your […]