4 Golden Rules From The Richest Man Ever Lived

Everyone wants to have more success, more cash flow, more wealth, enjoy a more secure and better lifestyle.

Well if you can relate to the above, I’d like to share with you the 4 Golden Rules that the richest man who ever lived used.

I am talking about King Solomon of the Old Testament. This is not a religious tutorial by any means. But King Solomon was the richest and wisest person who ever lived.

So it’s just common sense. If you want to learn to fly airplanes you have to see a pilot. If you want to learn some other new skill, go to someone who is an expert in that field. And if you want to learn a proven way to attract success and wealth into your life there is no better teacher than King Solomon.

So what can Solomon’s insights and teachings do for your wealth (not to mention your career, your relationships, and your personal life?)

  • You will gain sure advantage
  • You will experience true fulfillment
  • You will attain respect and admiration of those in authority
  • Your needs will be satisfied
  • You will experience ever increasing success
  • Your efforts will be profitable
  • You will have a longer and healthier life
  • You will have great relationships

Also I point out that King Solomon says that the consequence of NOT following his 4 rules is pretty much the exact opposite of the above list. And you really wouldn’t want the opposite of the list happening to you, would you?

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In any field or endeavor there are people who excel and achieve remarkable results, the people who do well, the average people, and then there’s the quitters.

“Do you see a man diligent in his business?

He shall stand before kings.”

– Proverbs 22:29

You see when Solomon talks about diligence, he’s talking about a trait that is VERY rare.

He speaks of the “pure” side of diligence. It’s about investing one’s days, hours and minutes in activities that will bring “pure” returns on the time and effort invested.

The reason it’s so rare is that true diligence runs contrary to human nature. We all have a natural inclination to follow the path of least resistance, that is our nature.

Fortunately, despite our natural inclination, we can choose to become truly diligent. And if you develop the kind of diligence that Solomon refers to, you can achieve incredible outcomes in any important area of your life.

Solomon’s 4 Steps to Bring Diligence into your life:

Step 1-Wake Up to Reality

“How long will you lie there” he asks.

“When will you get up from your sleep?

… poverty will come on you like a bandit

and scarcity like an armed man.”

– Proverbs 6:9-11

The clock is constantly ticking, and every day that slips away is a day that can never be retrieved.

Wake up and bring diligence into your life now. Your opportunities will be multiplied! Take responsibility for your life, your values, and how you spend your time.

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Step 2-Define Your Vision

“Without a vision, the people perish.”

– Solomon wrote in Proverbs 28:19

It’s impossible to be truly diligent if you don’t have a clear vision of what you want to achieve.

Bringing vision into your life is the single most important step you can take.

Step 3-Effectively Partner

“Plans fail for lack of counsel,

but with many advisers they succeed.”

– Proverbs 15:22

Most of us are deeply knowledgeable in only a few things, and we’re totally ignorant and incapable in millions of other things. Yet true diligence demands excellence in every step we take. I’m referring to partnering and asking the help of expert advisers and mentors who can guide us to achieving excellence, and keep us on track to fulfilling our vision.

Step 4-Always Pursue Wisdom. Build Your Life Upon It

“How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!

And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver.”

– Proverbs 16:16

The final component critical to becoming a diligent person is to pursue wisdom and build your life upon its foundation.

Develop a personal philosophy based on the principles of wisdom.

King Solomon tells us to seek wisdom as if it were a hidden treasure. The rewards of gaining true wisdom are literally beyond your imagination.

What did you think?


by Orestis Tzamanos