Magic Love Spell and Technique to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back – 2 Cool Ways to Get Your Ex Lover Back

I have got 2 cool things to show you that will help you to get your ex boyfriend back even if it seems impossible to get your ex lover back again. Today, you are going to discover the hidden secrets to effortlessly reverse any break up or lover’s rejection and win back your ex.

I want to get this straight before I continue. Magic love spells have been used in ancient times by several great people. It may surprise you to know that the Queen of Sheba used love spell to win the wise King Solomon’s heart. Several beautiful and attractive Hollywood stars have confessed to using love spells to win the love of their partners. This is true! So, if you have been going in circles trying to put your relationships right, today is the day you must make a change.

As a first step, try this magic love spell to get your ex boyfriend back and see how effortlessly he will run back into your longing arms again.

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This spell is best done at exactly 8pm in the evening. You will require the following items to cast this love spell – A picture of your ex boyfriend in which he is alone, 2 white candles, a picture of yourself smiling, a blue cloth and chamomile tea bag.

Once the time is exactly 8 pm in the evening, take a match or lighter and put on the 2 white candles and allow yourself to remain calm and relaxed.

Take the picture of your ex and say the following powerful words:

“With the light of the flame I will light your desire, when I speak your name you will feel my fire, the spell has been cast so mote it!”

Call your his name 3 times in a very slow manner, then put your picture face down on top of his so that the two images are together.

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Put the two pictures and the chamomile tea bag in the blue cloth and wrap. Then, look for a safe place to store the wrapped items.

To make it more potent, you must continue to light the candle at exactly 8pm every evening and call his name three times and within three weeks maximum, your ex boyfriend will develop a very strong desire to get back together with you again.

You cannot continue to suffer in silence and expect that one day things will be fine without some extraordinary efforts from you.

During this time, you must ensure you do not look desperate and needy by calling your ex every single day begging for forgiveness. This will not work in your favor.


by Shirly Smith