Secret societies and political involvement have both been topics of much debate throughout history. From the Illuminati, to the mafia, all the way through the KKK, people have been fascinated by their very existence. Various genres of literature have tackled these topics, leading to a peaked human interest carried on through this medium and right to big screen productions. It was only a matter of time that so-called connections were made between news-making events happening in daily society and prominent figures in the political arena. They are the people we look towards for direction and leadership, yet still they fall victim to character flaws and associations.
In “America’s Assassinations and Aspirations”, author Robert Bruce Baird reveals his own beliefs regarding many of our great historical figures and their involvement in shady organizations that still remain concealed today. Through his research, he shines the cold light of “truth” upon many events that we have come to know as our countries history and attempts to reveal the clockwork precision working behind them. Did Abraham Lincoln really free the slaves? Was Ben Franklin really trying to create electricity with his kite flying antic? Or where there bigger picture events swirling actively around these momentary stops along our perceived time line? As with any work of this nature it must be taken with a grain of salt…choose to believe what you will, research those that you don’t. Whatever the case may be, you will certainly be exposed to new theories regarding people held in high prestige and the circumstances that befell them.
Far be it from me to argue for one side or the other as Mr. Baird makes his own opinions stand strong with his investigation into our past as a nation, and beyond. Even the skeptic is allowed “room and board” within this work as he encourages the reader from the beginning to seek further proof through his listed sources as well as their own study. Recommended mainly for history buffs, this text should allow your current historical views to be broadened while raising questions that may still be to this day unanswered. Allow your inner cynic to awaken, if just for a moment, and try on a few of the notions raised by a curiously creative mind.
by Gina Reba