Blogging Tools: The Importance of Video Equipment for Bloggers

In order to have the blog that is relevant in today’s market place, I think having a text is no longer sufficient. Writing a blog post only in words limits your readerships’ ability to consume your content. Because some people like to read, some people like to listen and some people like to see things on video. Another tool to have is perhaps a camera, a video camera. In many cases, people today have a very advanced video camera right in their pocket with their smart phone. It’s quite enough.

A lot of times, you don’t even have to invest to the special, dedicated video camera that you would need but you always carry one with yourself in your pocket. I recommend you use it more often. If your cellphone or smart phone has the ability to record videos, then, take out it more often and record whenever you feel like you have a great idea for a blog post, for a teaching in your topic, in your area, anything.

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Because not only it can be a great additional, extra information for your readership but you can even set up a vlog, which is a video blog. Basically, regularly updated video content that you are providing to your video audience. That’s something a lot of people are doing quite successfully and they’re having millions of people watch their videos overtime.

Of course, having just the smart phone is not enough. You have to have the right kind of editing software to edit and to upload your videos to the video sharing sites such as YouTube or Vimeo. Basically, you have to add extras like introduction or ending or music background. Something that cannot really be added right from the convenience of your smart phone right now.

You could have the very simple tools on your laptop and while you teach people in video, you upload this video on your laptop and edit the video content right there. Then, once you’re ready, you can upload the final video, edited video to the video platform that you choose such as YouTube. Where potentially, hundreds of thousands of people can watch your vlog. Keep in mind though that video content takes up a lot of space, both on your camera or your smart phone and on your computer as well.

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When you upload, you have to be conscious of your limitations. Does your internet plan provide unlimited data transfer? I suggest you check this out and if you are serious about producing and uploading a lot of video content, then you should really have unlimited amount of bandwidth on your internet plan.

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by Vidas Pinkevicius