6 Real Estate Blogging Tools and Gadgets Worth Considering

If you are someone venturing and trying luck in real estate, you should consider having a blog that speaks up about your interest in the field. Blogging is one of the greatest marketing strategies that are being taken up by various organizations irrespective of their size and niche. Whether it is a company dealing in medicines or some individual fashion designer, blogs can help get online attention and lots of visitors to one’s website which in turn provide many new customers.

Here are 6 Real Estate Blogging Tools and Gadgets Worth Considering:

1. Calmly: This is a professional text editor available online. Calmly encourages distraction free writing. Using this tool one can write, add images, and more. It gives an idea of how one’s blog will look like with all the information and pictures.

2. Hemingway App: Your blog should be readable. It should be written in easy to understand language as it will be visited by people across the globe. So, readability is one crucial thing that should be considered while writing a blog. Hemingway App is one tool that can help analyze your blog for readability. The tool highlights the text that might be difficult to read and even suggest solutions improve the readability of the blog.

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3. Irfan View: This is an amazing image editor. If you are planning to start a real-estate blog, you might need to upload a number of images to showcase properties, buildings, and localities. Such images are quite heavy in size and may take hours to upload. Using Irfan View one can edit images to reduce the size of the image.

4. Co Schedule’s Headline Analyzer: Headlines are the first thing that catches the attention of online visitors. If your blog doesn’t have an attractive headline, the chances of it being left aloof or ignored are more. The Co Schedule’s Headline Analyzer helps one analyze the headline and it suggests changes that may make it more interesting to read.

5. Piktochart: This is an info-graphic app. It is easier to inform someone through infographics as it saves one time from reading the entire post. Online visitors hardly spend more than 5 minutes on a web page. The Piktochart can come handy in conveying the message within a fraction of seconds. This tool although takes some time to create info-graphics, it is worth considering for your real estate blog. Using the tool, you can create graphics conveying information about the place such as the society, schools and shopping complexes near the property.

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6. Canva: A blog with amazing graphics can help your blog stand out among the competitors. Canva is one blogging tool that allows its users to convey their message through graphics. It is an easy to use the tool and does not require any technical qualification to use it. The graphics designed by Canva can be shared on social media as well.

The internet has made our world appear so small that we can do almost anything while sitting in front of the PC/laptop screen. This technology has proved quite beneficial specifically for the real estate industry. The internet has helped us create a virtual world of our own where we can imagine ourselves in a home that we always dreamed of living.


Source by Amit Kumar