How To Approach A Blog Owner For Guest Blogging

Guest blogging on popular blogs can help you spread awareness as well as help you build up your reputation as someone with knowledge and authority. But first you need to know the best way to approach a blog owner with your pitch. There are some pitfalls to avoid and some ways to frame your offer so that they can’t refuse.

The first thing you want to do is send a personal email. The personal email needs to cover the following points of fact.

1. Have a Proper Salutation to the Owner of the Blog

You want them to know that you know who they are. Don’t write to ‘dear blog owner’ or some other generic term. Do enough homework that you know who you’re writing to. In fact, if you know you will have to email a gatekeeper first, address the gatekeeper directly.

2. Introduce Yourself

Let them know who you are and what your expertise is and how it relates to their audience. They’ll want to understand how you can help them, not how they can help you.

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3. Educate Them

Not just about you, but about what you know about them and their visitors. If they realize you know a lot about their audience, it will impress upon them how much you can probably teach their audience.

4. Promise Originality

The days of writing one guest post and sending the same post to everyone is over. Therefore, you should tell them that you’ll write each post for them and only them.

5. Fill the Gaps

Every blog owner has a gap of content to fill. If you can identify that for the blogger, you’ll be able to break in to blogging for them. If you’re not sure, offer to guest blog within a certain topic where your expertise lies, but to their specific order.

6. Explain How You’ll Promote the Blog Post

Explain to the owner of the blog how you’ll promote the blog post that you write to your audience too. That will bring more visitors to their site since you share a common target audience.

7. Supply Images

In addition to a blog post, tell them you’ll supply original images. Not just stock photos that may or may not be legal to use, but images that you have made or make yourself just for the post.

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8. Offer an Affiliate Program to Them

Most bloggers who take guest blog posts also offer a biographical box at the end of the blog post where you can post a link to your website or sales page. Offer that the link can be an affiliate link where appropriate.

Finally, let them know that you will follow up with every comment on the blog post, and continue to promote it for a specific period of time. If you follow through with everything you say, it’s more than likely they’ll ask you to guest blog again and again.

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by Jon Allo