Can Chiropractic Care Help Heal Sports Injuries?

The answer is a resounding “Yes”. If you participate in athletics you know the rigorous demands, the level of intensity, and how extreme exertion can be at times. Even when well-conditioned, the pushing the body to its limits can still result in painful tears, strains, and sprains.

Seeing a Chiropractor can help heal injuries, but did you know that it may also help prevent them in the first place?

The main reason for sports-related injuries are:

1. Impact

2. Repetitive Motion

3. Failure to warm up properly

Regular visits to your Chiropractor can help to promote quicker recovery times and better overall performance. Proper alignment prevents unnecessary tension in the body. When properly aligned it is less susceptible to becoming injured. This is very similar to the reason why we take our vehicles in for a tire alignment. When off balance, tires get abnormal wear and tear, losing tread and shortening the life of the tire itself. It can also cause abnormal degradation of other parts of the vehicle as well, which can wear out sooner than normal as well. The mechanics are different, but the theory is the same.

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Before beginning an exercise regimen or starting a new sport it is recommended to have a chiropractic evaluation. They can check your spine and muscular structure to detect imbalances and correct them allowing your body to be in its best working order and therefore less likely to sustain any type of injury.

Becoming injured takes you out of the game and puts you on the sidelines. It can delay progress in your skill and overall game as well as take away from gains you have made physically building strength and muscle. It can be hard on you mentally as well; momentum is far easier to maintain while in action. Pausing for an injury can throw you off track and damage your focus. The chances of this are lessened by regular visits to the chiropractor. Keeping your body in the best shape possible allows freedom of movement which helps to prevent repetitive damage and possible injury in the long run.

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Participating in sports like football, rugby, soccer, even baseball, softball, swimming, lacrosse, tennis, volley ball, even things like canoeing, kayaking, and other water sports such as water skiing, wake boarding, even stand-alone non-contact sports such as body building and working out all can put you at risk for an unexpected injury.


Source by Dr. Gary Gendron