Cancer Ends It All Happily

Cancer ends it all happily.

Waiting eagerly for the summer vacation we were all set to go to our granny’s place. All of us had a great time. The whole family came together and had a bash of time. With lots of different food, we enjoyed every day. This was the movement for all us to share our feelings and thoughts about the events good or bad.

One of my aunties who were very fond of children waited for us to come because she was not blessed with one. We all loved her a lot. Right from our childhood we always got our queries solved by her suggestions. We enjoyed spending time with her. A very lovable and adorable beautiful long hair and pleasing face she had. We could freak out with her, to the zoo, gardens, shopping and restaurant too. We together had a great time.

It was Sunday all of us were enjoying the game of football in our garden. The Aunt who was sitting near the window watched us playing. Thus, purposely her bed was laid near the window so that she can witness all of us and didn’t feel isolated. We all screamed and yelled while playing the game and messed up with the mud and dirt all over our body. This was something we did it purposely to entertain her.

Why we all paid special attention to her?

What was the reason she loved us all?

Why was her bed confined to the window?

Why was she in bad health?

These were certain questions sparking in our mind but never got the reply. Thus, my mom told me you were too young to understand. But one day I heard my parents and uncles conversation. All the elders had a meeting about the health of the aunt somehow got a bit to know what happened to her. It was her birthday and we planned something special for her. We booked three tables in one of the restaurants in the town. She was a normal looking middle-aged woman but that day my mom made her look even more beautiful. She wore a new sari gifted to her by my granny. We all were at the restaurant. All of my cousins were planning our favorite supper we are going to order. We were rather more hungry that evening.

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A big colorful cake came near to our table. The waiter laid carefully in the center of the table lit a candle and wished my aunt a long life. But she gave a sweet smile to him and was speechless.

It was this fine afternoon my mobile rung. Our aunt is no more, last she breath was 8.45 this morning. It was my elder sis informed me of my Aunt’s death. She was suffering from Breast Cancer. Her battle with cancer ended after two years. Of course, Cancer won the battle. My Uncle and Aunt had no issue of their own. She always had this regret. My sister was elder among cousins. My Aunt always had the soft corner towards her. She always hid her health problems.

One strong pain in her chest broke her she had a Medical Reports in her hands it was Breast Cancer. This shocking news created a fear. The painful process of treatment began. The first year of treatment was enough to break her physically and mentally. My Uncle was not strong economically. He took the help of Government scheme. He was somewhere annoyed with the expenses required in the treatment.

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The second year was very tough for both. My Uncle was upset with her treatment. He was in hits of tension and fear of losing her on seeing her health declining day by day. During this period even he had a stroke of high BP. But quick treatment gave him a new life but somewhere left its side effects. He was mentally disturbed. Now she was bed ridden. Hardly could she move her eye throughout. My Uncle put her on the wheels and took her to the washroom gave her a clean bath, covered her with a gown and put her back to the bed, fed her with his hands.

Her body had lots of surgery marks, cuts, scars. She shivered, burst into tears and screamed during the treatment. She was going to die very soon. Everything is over. She couldn’t raise her hands but prayed God to end her life soon. We all saw the pain and sufferings she went through. But we were helpless. All we could do was just watch her crying helplessly. That was the end of all the pain and sufferings. She was no more. Her last journey was very painful. Still, she looked happier when she last breathed.


by Hema Dalvi