Fifty Hollywood actors of similar talent toil for years looking for that big break, frequently crossing paths through the same auditions and talent agencies. Eventually, two of them make it to A-list status, yet the others languish in obscurity. We don’t call it luck, we call it fate.
“It makes me believe in fate. In most cases, the readings where I’ve been really bad have usually been the ones where I got the part.”
Robin Wright
After reviewing thousands of people’s comprehensive astrology and numerology charts, our objective findings consistently show those who are fated to become famous do, and those who aren’t, don’t.
That may sound “void of promise” to you, but we prefer to tell it as we see it to help you save time, money, and avoid heartache. Besides, life is about the journey, not the destination, wouldn’t you agree?
Consider these other quotes about fame and predestination:
“Casting sometimes is fate and destiny more than skill and talent, from a director’s point of view.”
Steven Spielberg
“When I was growing up in Terrell, Texas, I felt that it was not where I was supposed to be. I knew that I was meant for a different destination. I think that the minute I was born, there was something inside telling me where I would go, it’s like energy – an intangible destiny.”
Jamie Foxx
“… I didn’t know what I was going to do with myself. And then fate reached in and took me in its hands. I was discovered right out of high school and started getting work.”
Sally Field
“We are all tied to our destiny and there is no way we can liberate ourselves.”
Rita Hayworth
“I’m a great believer in fate. I think things happen in spite of, and despite, yourself.”
Randolph Scott
“Fate pulls you in different directions.”
Clint Eastwood
“Fate gives you the finger and you accept.”
William Shatner
Those who deny fate assert that force of will and hard work allow you to achieve anything. Perhaps there are multitudes of aspiring Hollywood actors thinking to themselves, “If someone like Brad Pitt can make it big, so can I.”
Do you believe Brad Pitt is just a pretty face and got lucky in his career? We disagree. The patterns symbolizing fame and money success in Brad Pitt’s comprehensive charts are beyond stellar, even breathtaking. The aspiring stars that never get a break, despite working as hard as anyone else, simply lack the necessary patterns. In other words, it’s their fate to never get that big break, and the unique patterns in their charts represent it. Again, we know this doesn’t sound encouraging, but we’ve found that being direct is ultimately more helpful to you.
Interestingly, extreme infamy is equally as easy for us to identify in the charts, as is an exceptional fall from grace, significant career beginnings and peak points, and key love life connections, to name a few.
After years of doing this type of work, we’ve learned the importance of working with fate and accepting what you can’t change, and It’s always heartening to see patterns of extraordinary success in an individual’s comprehensive charts.
After recently watching on a long flight Ex Machina and A Most Violent Year staring relatively young (36 years-old) Oscar Isaac, we appreciated his talent. We then reviewed his charts and were intrigued with how his overall lifetime mega fame and career staying power is similar to that of Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. He’s staring in the upcoming Star Wars movies, episodes VII and VIII.
The theory of personal fate (same meaning as destiny) tells us there’s a reason for everything and things happen when they’re supposed to happen.
However, fate does not mean you should always wait around for things to happen. Get centered, figure out your talents and what you really want, and take action. Fated events sometimes just happen to you, completely out of your control, and other times they occur when you follow your dreams and work toward success.
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