Ethical Hacking & Computer Security MSc at Abertay | Video

How can you best protect a computer system? On the Ethical Hacking & Computer Security MSc course at Abertay University you will learn how to attack systems, so you can make them more secure.


READ ALSO:  Ethical Hacking & Bug Bounty Live Bootcamp | Video


  1. For entry to the Ethical Hacking course we recommend that you take a good general spread of GCSE subjects to keep your future options open, and for this particular course you should include GCSE's in English, Maths, and two technology-related subjects such as computing or physics. The minimum entry requirements for the course at GCE A Level are currently a minimum of CCC to include two technology-related subjects.

  2. Thanks for your message. A Computing BSc is a perfect route into this postgraduate course which builds on your existing knowledge.

    The Ethical Hacking MSc – and our undergraduate security courses – teach practical computer security skills beyond those offered on traditional computing courses. Our students learn to think like hackers, so they can prevent attacks. We teach the computing and security skills you need. You can find out more at the Abertay website.

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