Horse Racing: How To Grasp Profitcapping And Return On Investment

How to grasp Profitcapping and return on investment or ROI is the main reason for horse racing and not simply racing for the sake of racing. Players are there to make money or to profit. People handicap horses so they can pick the horse they believe is going to come across the wire and make them more money than they put in. Racing’s about investing and not gambling. All gambling is investing but not all investing is gambling. You can predict a thing by yourself but it takes two or more persons to bet. When you wager anything on a bet whether it’s a car, house, money, jewelry, etc. you’re gambling.

The difference between gambling and business investing is: when you have a 51%-100% chance of losing the endeavor you’re gambling and when you have a 49% or less chance of losing the endeavor you’re business investing. Every time you invest (gamble or business invest) you need to know you’re chances of profiting or losing money in detail. Taking a business perspective of racing is the most sensible option because racing has to seen for what it is: a business. Players don’t go into detail enough to study racing as a business overall.

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Players consider handicapping the main way to think about making money. But it’s a matter of understanding ROI over months and years ahead. Knowing how much can be made on a long-term basis. As an example: lets say you take a simple random statistical sampling of 2100 trifecta payouts for one year. This amount turns out to be $220,000 after all payouts are added. A ticket for each race sampled is bought and the sum invested is $100,000. You lose 1000 races and win 1100 races. When the year is over you add up all of the money you got back after the investment and it turns out to be $120,000.

You made a $20,000 profit. But $220,000 minus $120,000 = $100,000 and this is the payout money you didn’t get. And if at the years’ end you get back $85,000 then your loss is $15,000. Or $100,000 minus $85,000 = $15,000. In other words it’s what you’ve invested plus or minus what you got back. If you put in $100,000 and get back $100,000 then you broke-even. This is how to grasp profitcapping and return on investment or ROI and what it’s all about. This isn’t all there is to Profitcapping. Indeed there’s much more to say the least.

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This way you can see years ahead in the game. Profit or ROI in racing is simple. You endeavor to get back more than you put in for a specific time period. Be it a week, month, year or several years. Simple statistics lets you do this and know this in a highly specific way of how much money is there and how much must be spent buying tickets over that specific time period to make a profit or Profit – capping. Capping means the process of predicting a thing. What are you going to predict? the horses and the money. This is part of how to grasp profitcapping and return on investment.

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by Jessie R Johnson