Chronic sleep deprivation happens when you experience long-term sleeplessness at bedtime. Frequent wakefulness and difficulty falling and staying asleep may present chronic sleeplessness. This long-term sleeplessness may lead to complications that may put you at risk or even an early death.
Several studies show that insomnia can lead to long-term illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, anxiety and depression. There is a possible link between insomnia and following diseases especially stroke. Several factors may contribute to develop the following diseases depending on the effects of sleeplessness. These factors should be considered in finding right treatment regimen for your sleeplessness.
Poor sleeping hours or less than six hours of sleep may contribute to your risk of getting cardiovascular disease. It may alter your normal functioning and defense against any disease. In addition, it may feel you weak and restless due to lack of sleep and energy to perform your daily activities.
Majority of people experiencing sleeplessness develop stroke due to unhealthy lifestyles and poor nutritional intake. Several changes in your body mechanism may lead to stroke such as changes in your hormonal balance, which is cortisol. It is responsible to combat stress and use in response to injury, inflammation and certain illness.
However, sleeplessness may exist in patients with stroke due to stress and anxiety. Insomnia comorbid stroke when one’s lifestyle failed to maintain its normal healthy state. Failure to comply with proper nutritional intake and active lifestyle may put you at risk to stroke.
If you think you experience long-term sleeplessness and you are obese, please seek your health care professional guidance on how can you manage your sleeplessness and decrease your risk against any debilitating illnesses. Seek out additional information with your health care professional if you want to know the real explanation about how chronic sleep deprivation comorbid stroke. In addition, proper guidance can help you to have a relax and calm mind.
Hence, lifestyle and behavior modification changes can help you to combat stroke. Your health lies within your hands, choose wisely and think before you eat to prevent poor dietary intake and unhealthy lifestyle. Put in mind that any changes in your body, may present clinical conditions that need to be addressed immediately. Right information may bring right treatment because any disease left untreated may lead to a more severe disease. Be a steward on promoting health beyond your capabilities and knowledge to combat diseases such as stroke and insomnia.