Native American Culture in Sedona

There is a lot of Native American influence in the Sedona area. Their culture is rich and goes back for centuries. All you have to do is walk down the streets of beautiful Sedona and you will see and feel the rich tribal ethnicity that traces back to the Native Americans.

Native American tribes have been in the area for thousands of years. It wasn’t even until in the latter part of the 19th century that Europeans would finally arrive in the Sedona area to stay. So, when you visit Sedona you will find a profound Native American influence still in place. The influence is strong, from the arts and crafts that are sold in the town to the beautiful rock paintings that have been discovered in the area.

Archaeologists have been able to figure out some interesting facts about the ancient residents this region. Most archaeologists believe that the nomadic people that lived in the area of Sedona so many thousands or years ago were probably hunting the big game animals of the Ice Age.

Then about 7,000 years ago the culture of the Native Americans in the region began to change. They started to spend more time gathering plants and hunting animals that were considered small game. Stone tools, as well as projectile points, have been discovered from this time period near Dry Creek.

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It wasn’t until 700 AD that the native culture in the area substantially altered. At this time civilization turned more to farming and making beautiful pottery pieces. The group in the area then was known as the Hakataya, and another group, the Hohokam, came along to join them. Later another tribe of people known as the Sinagua arrived in the region; these people all merged to become the Southern Sinagua. In the unique cliff dwellings that can still be seen, and in some of the rock art that can be found, you can find evidence of their life and culture. In fact one place where you can see their interesting cliff dwellings from so many years ago is the Palatki cliff dwelling.

Still today there is a strong Native American presence in Sedona. Some of the modern day tribes that are in the area include the Tonto Apaches, as well as the Yavapai, and you’ll find that the Hopi and Navajo Indians also have a strong influence in the region. You’ll find evidence of their culture in the artwork, the ceremonies, and the deep respect for this beautiful land. Many places in the Sedona area are considered to be sacred, so visitors should be careful to respect this.

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Visitors to Sedona can view numerous ancient native artifacts. There is the cliff dwelling known as the Honanki, as well as Woo Canyon where you can see native art from so years ago. You’ll also find Native American dance, art, and music showcased, and visitors can purchase beautiful Native American jewelry and pottery.

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by Natasha Fatale