What Is Tamil Numerology?

Tamil numerology, like other numerology systems (Chaldean, Pythagorean, etc.) was invented as a means by which to divine a person’s future, discover personality attributes, analyze the vibrational qualities of baby names, read the harmonic patterns of planets and their relationships with each other (astrology), thereby trying to make sense of the fabric of “reality” that we surround ourselves in. Through research, observation and documentation, numerologists have labored to gain a better understanding of the universe and our place in it.

Tamil refers to the Indian state of Tamil Nada. Indian numerology states there are three numbers attached to every person…

  1. The first number is the psychic number. In Tamil numerology, the psychic number refers to the way you see yourself and is calculated using your birth date.
  2. The second number in Tamil numerology is the destiny number. The destiny number tells how the world sees you and is calculated by adding the numbers in your birth date together.
  3. The third number is the name number. The Tamil name number tells of your relationships with others and requires a mathematical calculation based on the sound frequencies of a certain number.
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Let’s break down the number 6, just for an example…

In Indian numerology, the Name Number 6 is a nurturing and supportive number, centering on the home. As a Psychic Number, 6 is a wonderful, loving number, meaning sympathetic and nurturing friend. 6 in Tamil numerology is warm, luxurious and sexy at times, adored by all. If you have a 6 for a psychic number, you tend to be very family-focused, open-minded and welcoming. From a Destiny Number, the theme is the same: much love on the home front, both for family and for the more material comforts. You love beauty and you love to have elegant things around you. You craft a home-not decorate a house-and indeed, home is where your heart is.

On the downside, you may not be that smart with money, being generous to a fault. You may find yourself giving too much of yourself at times when it might be wiser to let that friend or family member fully experience the lesson life has for them. You may be sensitive to critique and–as a 6–you may worry too much or spend more time alone than other numbers.

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People who have a 6 for their Psychic Number may find discipline to be their lesson this life. As caretakers and lovers of beauty, they make for great doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, art gallery owners, photographers, artists and writers.

Make sense?

Indian numerology also involves Vedic squares, which show numerous geometric patterns and symmetries, some of which can be found in traditional Islamic art.

It is believed the origins of numerology date back over 10,000 years, however no one knows exactly where or when the art of numerology was first started. Evidence and claims point to a diverse collection of possible origins, from Egypt to India, and from Babylon to Japan. Eventually, however, numerology would become prominent in Greece, made popular first by a Grecian named Pythagoras, the great mathematician and philosopher.

When I first began pulling together some of this information, I was shocked at how little numerology resources for Tamil numerology there were online. I will continue to research this and share what I discover here. Hope you enjoyed this walk through numerology history!



by Aanandita Farr