
iPhone TV Online

The iPhone continues to amaze millions with its capabilities. The most recent trend has been with online video. While it is true that some video does not work on the iPhone (i.e. Flash), the important […]


What Separates Facebook From Twitter

The difference between Facebook and Twitter can be described in many different ways. If you prefer either service, you might not agree with all my points and defend your preferred social network. Whichever you choose […]


Sex Offender Profile

The existence of sexual feelings toward family members, friends or acquaintances does not signify a problem. However, the act of focusing on and then reinforcing these feelings create a compulsion to carry out sexual contact […]


What Is Spiritual Warfare?

Spiritual warfare is the fight of faith engaged by Christians against super mundane entities in the spirit realm. This may sound like a coded language that is why many people ask, what’s spiritual warfare? Too […]


Marijuana Laws in Utah

Utah is situated between two states that treat marijuana possession very differently. On the western border of the Beehive State is Nevada, where Nevada Medical Marijuana Program (NMMP) cardholders may legally possess 2 ½ ounces […]


Industrial Engineering

Today the importance of Industrial Engineering is known to all. Decades ago the importance of industrial engineering was limited to few. But today, we see vast changes in industrial engineering sector, and with more than […]