AI Machine Learning Authors and Writers – Whoops There Goes My Freelance Writing Gig

Are our days numbered as writers? Will Artificial Intelligence write all the articles and literary works of the future? There is a very good chance that the answer to this question is; Yes! Indeed if you are a Freelance writer and this is how you make your money, I bet you are getting a little concerned, or maybe you aren’t – feeling superior to artificial intelligence. Recently, an online writer asked me; “What about advanced skills? Will computers be able to produce content anyone actually engages with? How far off do you think this is?”

Yes, someday, probably within 5-7 years, right now ChatBots are getting better and more widely used, easily breaking the Turing Test. Carnegie Mellon, Google X-Labs and Facebook’s AI program are all working on AI writers along with IARPA and others such as MIT, where they are working on novel writing too, by taking every potential plot, and every character name, and all the psychological profiles of every character ever created, and then blending and using derivative software (albeit, much better than today’s stuff). These pieces will be pleasing to human readers and as humans rate them the machine learning system will adapt to tastes by percentage of likes, developing niche categories.

Think of a 10-page short story, you or I could pen one with Voice Software in a day, and an AI computer could do 10 per minute – kind of overwhelming.

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Further computer AI systems like IBM’s Watson will go one step further, allowing for creative products, stories, original thoughts, combining examples, allegories, analogies, even jokes with trivia and recent events, puns, plays on words, etc. The better writer you are and the more advanced your skills the better chances you’ll have of still being in the profession by 2025, but you need to hone your skills now, learn all you can and master your trade or you are Off The Island or “You’re Fired!” as the Donald might say.

Our Think Tank is working on such things, not to put anyone out of business, but rather so the people who have access to such things are actual writers so they don’t gum up the system, as Content Writers with crappy content have – when Google axed them on the Penguin Algorithm fix – that helped then, but these AI derivative systems are getting better all the time – it’s still going to be a while, but not as long as most writers think – we are an arrogant bunch. We think we can never be replaced, that we are so brilliant and so creative that a machine could never do what we do. Wrong!

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You see, any linguist or human brain expert will tell you that our brains are hardwired for human language and our writing comes with rules. Rules can be programmed fairly easily, proof of this would be grammar checkers, today there are a few really good ones, yes, I know they haven’t replaced top-notched editors yet, but they will – same analogy goes for writers – our years are numbered. 10 if you are good at your trade, 15 if you are a superstar. I give myself about 8-9 years, and it’s all over, worse the more I write the better the AI programs get, see that unfortunate truth, the system learns from us. Maybe IT, actually stands for “it” and It will one day control all of human society, civilization and we will just live in Its Kingdom – not to peddle too much of my next science fiction piece, but I am just saying.

Please consider all this and think on it, and sorry if I was the one who had to break the bad news to you, but that bad news will also be written by an artificial intelligent machine, who will most likely put the best spin on it.


by Lance Winslow