Blu Ray Error in PlayStation 3 – It Is Fixable

It happens with the people that they specially buy a very interesting movie for themselves to watch and when they insert it in the PS3 then error occurs which is stated as “Disc cannot be played”. Mostly the error which pops up on the screen is ‘Blue ray error 80029940’. When something like this happens it is very heart breaking as you have already made up your mind for watching the movie. This Blu ray error occurs a lot in PlayStation 3, some people also experience Disc not Play error. First of all you should check the Blu ray disc because the surface of this disc is even more sensitive than a DVD. If you see any scratches then that should be causing the Blu ray error.

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If you had any errors like this before then better compare them with each other and see if there is any difference between them. That might also work in solving Disc not Play error. Check another disc on the PS3 and if it is showing the same error then you can say without a doubt that the disc player has encountered a problem. It is easy to take your PS3 to a service center and get the Blu ray error fixed and also the Disc not Play but remember it will cost you hundreds of dollars. If you think that you have the ability to fix the error then get a proper guide which explains the solution perfectly.

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Some of the basic things you need to remember before fixing your PlayStation 3 are that you should have enough time. It will take you an hour or so to fix the console. Keep a container or box with you in which you should put all the screws which you took out. You should always have a lot of light at the working area and remember that the working area should also be clean. When you will take the parts apart clean them and then put them back with a vacuum cleaner but don’t let any screw get in the vacuum cleaner. If you will follow these steps then you can fix the Blu ray error easily.


by Smith Jacob