Boxing Shorts – Is It Worth Buying Expensive Ones?

It is definitely the norm for professional boxers to get custom boxing shorts and they usually opt for very different designs. Something interesting is a of David Haye you can see that David Haye has the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus flag on his shorts along with the Union Jack. David Haye spent most of his time during that era training there and people believe it is to show respect to the country he has been training in. However some people have more of a negative outlook saying he lives there due to the lower tax rate, so who knows?!

Most shorts are made from satin although some people choose nylon or polyester for price purposes. It is very important that the boxing shorts give the boxer the freedom needed to move around the ring. Restrictive boxing shorts could significantly reduce the boxer’s mobility. Most shorts have a very think waist band normally around 4 inches in width, this is to make sure that the shorts a comfortable fit for the user. It also helps when the boxer wishes to wear an abdominal protector with the shorts, and the high waist band covers up the protector while in the ring.

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Your entry level boxing shorts will cost in the region of £15-£30. Some people may then choose to move onto more expensive shorts which can cost around £100 and then fully customised sets which include the vest can be as high as £400! As you would imagine the £100 ones are hand made from 100% satin. However it is hard to see the gains of switching to the more expensive shorts especially around £80 worth of improvement.

If you were to look up muay thai boxing shorts you would see that they are quite a different design. A lot shorter and angled along the edge. This is to allow the boxer even greater freedom and muay thai boxing involves a lot more leg movements. These too are normally made from satin as this is a breathable textile that is not restrictive when moving against skin.

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To conclude it does seem that there is not a lot of difference between the non-customisable £15-£80 shorts and the price is due to brand and that is it as the shorts are basically the same. If you are going to reach this threshold which regards to price then consider getting customised for this money.

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by Sergio Iacobucci