Bullet Cries Out After Dating Rumors With Wendy Shay Cause His Relationship With His Girlfriend

CEO of RuffTown Records Bullet has lamented about how dating rumors being spread bY bloggers and journalists have caused his relationship.

The artiste manager took to his Instagram page to register his displeasure about the rumors of her dating Wendy Shay and how it has caused his relationship.

He wrote, “These bloggers and journalists don’t know what they put some of us through when they publish stuffs like ‘BULLET HAS BEEN SLEEPING WITH HIS ARTISTS’ etc.

You people just ruined my relationship with my girlfriend right now. I hv worked with several women both underground and mainstream.I dare any woman I hv Worked with to come out with evidence if indeed so, i dare you put it out there. Nkwasiasem this nonsense must stop. Focus on promoting my works not relationship. FI!”

post below;

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