
The Women of the Tarot

Tarot is filled with images of beautiful women. One is draped in ritual robes, another is taming a lion, and many are naked! Who are they and what do they represent? When you first look […]


Numerology – Western Or Chaldean?

There are two formal versions of Numerology in the world today. They are the ancient science of Chaldean Numerology based on the world’s original root language Chaldean/Sumerian (4,000 BCE), and the Western (so-called Modern) Numerology […]


The Art of Reading Tarot Cards

It is commonly believed that tarot cards first appeared between 1430 and 1450 in Milan, Ferrera and Bologna. In 1440 the Duke of Milan wrote a letter that requested the receiver to bring special ‘triumph’ […]


God Is Real – Numerology Proves It

Sir Isaac Newton, arguably the greatest scientist who ever lived, said, In the absence of any other proof, the thumb alone would convince me of God’s existence. Corroborating another Newtonian quote, God created everything by […]


History of Hemp Clothing

Cannabis is unique in that it can produce both a narcotic and an extremely long and strong fiber, all from the same plant. It was these two traits coupled with Cannabis’ amenability to domestication which […]


Love Tarot Readings And The Sun Card

If you are at all familiar with love tarot readings, than you know that the Sun card represents happiness, joy and fulfillment. Its appearance serves as a reminder you that the confidence you have within […]


The True History of Numerology

One of the worst lies perpetrated by New Age gurus is that Pythagoras is responsible for what we call ‘Numerology’. Nothing could be further from the truth and, no matter how many books insist on […]