
Entertainment and the Fashion Industry

The entertainment industry and the fashion world have been interlinked for hundreds, if not thousands of years. However, what probably started as getting dressed up for the theater has evolved into intertwined fortunes in which […]


10 Great Benefits Of Wholesale Fashion Clothing

The style which is commonly practiced in clothing and accessories become the fashion. Designers create new patterns and trends by conceptualizing innovative permutations and combinations of cuts, colors and looks. So fashion basically indicates to […]


Boho Is Back, Conscious, Holistic Fashion!

Funky and chill, free spirited Bohemian fashion, conscious design that is holistic and now more necessary than ever. Patchwork gypsy skirts and hippy yoga pants, embroidered caftans, colorful tribal, paisley prints and chunky bead jewelry […]


Candid Lady Fashion for the Urban Woman

CANDID LADY FASHION Hi guys, welcome to the Candid Lady online store, a store where you can shop trendy and fashionable items, at reasonable prices. Candid Lady offers exclusive designs for females, ranging from Corporate […]