How Does It Affect You That Donald Trump Is President?

If this event is affecting you emotionally, the first thing to ask yourself is: Is it Donald Trump who creates my reality? Or am I the creator of my reality? The answer is obvious: You create your own reality and would do so even if Hillary Clinton had won. When you let these events affect you in a negative way, you are, to some degree, giving power to strangers who do not really have control of your life unless you give it to them.

You probably begin to argue that this man’s influence on the world is so great that it is inevitable that his triumph will affect you. We are speaking in a neutral way. Depending on who you, the reader of this article, are, you may support him or not. This really is not the point, and it does not matter in essence. The point is that you affirm that the influence of this man is inescapable in the creation of your reality.

I must tell you emphatically and make it clear to you conscientiously that it is the Law of Attraction that is in charge of the reality that you create. Aligning thought with the Universe to attract what you desire to your life is far more powerful than the influence that these famous people can have.

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You bring into your life that on which you focus. It’s the story that you tell about your life that really matters. If you focus on telling the story of your life as you want it to be and you feel good while you tell it-no matter what stories others tell-your story is what will manifest in your life. You can make it happen if you focus on it and feel positive, even though these other people are famous personalities.

According to experts, more than 99 percent of the population expects someone else to change their reality. They need to have a leader to trust, for example, or a national project to improve their country’s lifestyle.

I invite you to be part of that minority that have empowered ourselves. We trust that we are the creators of our reality, no matter what world leaders are saying.

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It does not matter if these leaders think they have control or not. Your freedom of thought is the most important thing, and the thoughts on which you stay focused give you total control of your life. That is what you will manifest in the near future.

Seeing it this way, the only thing that affects you now that Donald Trump is president is that you have a point of contrast to better clarify the story that you want to tell and to manifest in your life. It would have been the same if Hillary Clinton had won: You would have a point of contrast to the same end.

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by Pedro Avalos