Is It Good If The Lovers Tarot Card Shows Up In Your Reading?

The Lovers Card is the seventh card in the 22 trump cards (Major Arcana) and is associated with the number 6. If the card is drawn in a reading, it is a card of good omen when it comes to love, but it does not necessarily mean that it is related to love. It is more about the choices two people who care about each other are making choices in life together about their future life and taking personal responsibility for those choices.

As shown on the image of the Rider-Waite deck, a sun is symbolic of enlightenment, growth, health and positivity. There are three figures. i.e. An angel, a naked man and woman which represents Adam and Eve. This may indicate that a matchmaker is involved, or it may also represent a third party. i.e. Either one or possibly even both may be cheating or having an affair. A snake coiled around the red apple tree behind Eve symbolises the treacherous prospect of sexual temptation. While the apple fruit symbolises her desire of passion and a reminder of her past mistakes.

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In another relationship context, it is often a good sign that your relationship will turn positive and reach a whole new deeper level soon. It may be a sign that a marriage is coming soon. The journey with your partner may not be always smooth sailing. Love is choosing to brave the rain together despite the bad days. Show gratitude, help each other grow and expand the horizons.

If you are single and hoping to meet someone new, there is a good chance that he/she is will enter your life soon. Do take into consideration other cards drawn to see if he/she is a suitable partner or not. If you are not expecting to be in a partnership, prepare your heart, home or workspace to welcome a new person or animal.

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In a career or business reading, The Lovers card suggests unions and harmonious partnerships. It can also indicate making a major choice.

At a personal level, you could be making a life-changing choice which may have a lot of emotional baggage on your heart. It could mean a choice between two parties, i.e. between a lover and someone of importance in your life (possibly a parent). It such a choice appears, follow your heart based on your intuition. It is a reminder to do things with love and a positive mindset and intention.


by Marcus C. S. Tan