Java Programming: Benefiting The Software Industry In More Ways Than One

Introducing Java

An object-oriented programming language, the use of Java spans a number of computing platforms. It can be seen practically everywhere nowadays- be it supercomputers, enterprise servers, mobile phones or embedded devices. This programming language has succeeded in bringing a number of advantages to the software industry and also to those who are associated with it.

When James Gosling of Sun Micro Systems unveiled Java to the programming world back in 1995, it was perceived to herald in a new era for computers. Ever since there has been no turning back and Java has emerged as the most popular language that programmers all around the world prefer. It is used for designing softwares as well as a number of other web service applications.

Java, how has it been beneficial for the software industry?

Like most of the other programming languages in the market, Java is in a process of continuous evolution. The language has been subjected to a number of tweaks over the past fifteen years to make it smoother and more efficient. Although their purposes are entirely different, Java is comparable to the PHP programming language that was launched in the same year. The latter is a framework used specifically for innovative website designs, though the fact that it is open-source makes it available to the general public at large in a manner similar to Java.

The various benefits that the use of Java as a programming language provides to the software industry may be summarised as follows:

  • Simple to use: The Java programming language is designed specifically to be extremely user-friendly. Compared to the other programming languages, it is easier to write, compile, debug and learn. This is because it makes use of automatic garbage collection and memory management. New learners find it very easy to apply Java coding within a very short period of time.
  • Java is independent of the platform: One of the biggest advantages of Java is that it can be moved easily from one system to another without creating any unwanted issues. Java is best described as a programming language that you “write once, run anywhere.” It is capable of running at both the binary and source levels as an independent code, while the same code is equally efficient when run on a number of different systems. This is a feature crucial to any World Wide Web software that requires a lot of flexibility for operation.
  • Improved reliability: To be very honest, coming across a programming language that is truly robust is a very difficult task. However, Java has taken care to ensure that all possible errors are removed in the early stages of development. Java compilers are capable of detecting a number of problems at the initial executable stage. As a result, it is considered to be the most reliable programming language by the Java programmers.
  • Java offers multitasking: Java is capable of handling several tasks simultaneously. It is smoothly integrated with multithreaded programming, and works best with network and visual programming. Moreover, it features stable standards that help developers in the creation of multilevel applications with a component-based approach.
  • Assured security service: In the modern age where the revelations made through Wiki Leaks has seemingly opened up a Pandora’s Box, the Java programming language has been put together with prime emphasis on security. With the utilization of the Java language, users are capable of working in a secure environment free from any virus attacks to the host system.
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The use of this pioneering programming language that is Java highlights three of its key aspects: overall error-free running, simplicity and versatility. Ever since it was launched, Java has presented the online community with a host of software boasting applications in an equally diverse field. It has taken massive strides in the development process with many pundits drawing parallels between Java and Clarion.

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However, what seems to have given Java an upper-edge over its compatriot is the fact that it can be used for writing practically anything. To go through the entire gamut of Java codes is seemingly a mind-boggling experience. The future also looks bright as far as scope for maturation of Java as a programming language is concerned.


by James Patrick Winson