As I walked through the crowds of a recent seminar I wondered which was fed (the mind or the soul) the most during the sessions I saw so many eager to take…

The first time I heard of Neuro-linguistic programming I could’ve sworn that it was repackaged from many other methods of mind altering techniques that I grew up knowing about. “Ah” but of course everything under the sun is just reformed in one way or another I thought… Neuro-linguistic programming is an interpersonal communication model and an alternative approach to psychotherapy that was co-created by Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder in the 1970s. It was based on the subjective study of language, communication and personal change. To have a mental picture in your mind of what one could expect by learning more about NLP, one of the first books they published back in ’79 was “Frogs into Princes“. Within the teachings of occult arts one gets exposed to many methods of teaching either of similarities or opposite. The key is to take what YOU can use for what ever situation it’s best for, nonetheless, as a spiritual practitioner what you learn you inevitably pass on to your clients with through consultation.

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Over the past few years I’ve studied and done a comparison of NLP of the positive projection, and inspiration that many of the blockbuster leaders such as Paul McKenna, Anthony Robbins and Thom Hartman have run only to conclude that there is no escape to nourishing the soul and rename NLP as NSP ( Neurological Soul Programming or Neuro-Soul Programming)! You may laugh at the simple suggestion but at the end of the day but many as many of the techniques that NLP uses reconditions you thereby conditioning the soul and transforming your actions thereby your karma which is your soul’s process through it’s spiritual evolution!

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Perhaps NSP is the next step. NSP would combines the esoteric laws and the conditioning of ones psyche, and ones behaviour progressing into a desired action to seek that what you want and need most. Focusing on your spiritual enlightenment allowing you to think freely so that you may concentrate on what matters most which is such a hard thing to do in these days…But again, just as I thought before, . “Ah” but of course everything under the sun however perhaps reformed from the good ‘ol saying “mind over matter”.

Happy Conditioning,

Mona Magick


by Mona Magick