Sleep Disorders in Astrology

A good sleep is necessary for optimal health and can affect mood, weight and hormone levels.

Sleeping disorders and sleeping problems are common modern complaint,including insomnia, sleep deprivation, sleep apnea, snoring and restless legs syndrome. Sleep disorders and problems are serious enough to interfere with normal physical, mental, social and emotional functioning.

Some of the main causes for sleep disorders are excessive fatigue, fear, anxiety, heavy and rich meals, coffee, tea and others stimulants taken at night, too hot or noisy room.

A persistent sleep disorder deserves careful attention and medical check-up.

Astrological factors responsible for sleep disorders/problems are

12th house/lord -natural significator of sleep

4th house/lord-house of comforts

Moon -significator of mind/heart/stomach /mood-swings

Mercury -represents intelligence and brain nerves

Saturn -represents depression, obstruction and diseases

Astrological combinations for sleep disorders

1. Mercury governs brain nerves, Moon controls mind, heart and stomach. Jupiter rules over the liver and lungs. The parts of the body which causes sleep disorders are brain nerves, lungs and liver. Therefore these three planets are responsible for providing sound sleep.

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2. Lord of 12th house present in 3rd/6th/8th indicates disturbed sleep.

3. Lord of 3rd/6th/12th house placed in 12th house indicates inadequate sleep.

4. If lord of ascendant/3rd house or the Moon is posited in 12th house then the sleep is characterized by vague dreams.

5. Presence of natural malefic like Saturn/Mars/ Sun/Rahu/Ketu in 12th house indicates disturbed sleep.

6. 12th house hammed between 6th and 8th house lords represents insomnia or sleep with horrific dreams.

7. 12th lord combust by Sun then the native will suffer from insomnia.

8. 12th house/lord associated with Venus indicates long hours of sleep.

9. Lord of 3rd /4th house present in 12th house or lord of 12th house present in 3rd/4th house induces sexual dreams in the mind of native.

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10. Lord of 12th is in exaltation/own house, the native will sleep too much.

11. Lord of 12th house placed in ascendant or lord of ascendant and 12th exchanges their houses, then the native develops lazy tendencies and sleep too much.

12. 12th house/lord associated with Venus causes excessive sleepiness, especially if Venus is also the lord of Ascendant /4th house amount of sleep exceeds many folds.

13. Rahu associated with 12th house/lord is responsible for interrupted sleep.

14. If Ketu is associated with 12th house/lord the native will remain dull and sleepy.

15. If lord of 12th house is weak and present in 6th/8th house the sleeping period is curtail.


by Geeta Jha