
The Uses of Hemp

Hemp is a commonly used word for the Cannabis crop used in industry rather than the type of Cannabis used for recreational drug use. The simple definition of hemp is a herb. Industrial hemp is […]


Singapore – The Fine City

Singapore is famous for being the cleanest city in the world. Tourists will be astonished and impressed by the strict rules and regulations formed by the Singapore government. There are many posters in buildings and […]


How Does Medical Marijuana Work For Crohn’s Disease?

Medical marijuana has developed into a treatment for painful gastrointestinal disorders that involve bowel inflammation and cramping. These diseases include colitis, Crohn’s disease, and Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Often with these diseases patients can suffer […]


The Basics of Vape Pens

The functionality of a cigarette or pipe is quite easy to understand. All you need to do is light a cigarette and inhale the smoke it produces. On the other hand, a vape pen is […]