
The Curious History Of Wine Consumption In America

The history of wine consumption in America has been frought with starts, stops, and inconsistencies. The American population has always had a love-hate relationship with alcohol. Historic prohibitionist attitudes amongst much of the American population […]


History of Cheerleading

The history of cheerleading originates from the United States in the late 1880's with your average crowd yelling and chanting to encourage their team. No one is quite sure how they documented that it was […]


The History of the Push Present

From personalized baby shower gifts to a more sentimental idea, finding the perfect gift for new moms can be a challenge. The push present isn’t a new fad, though its recent resurgence has prompted many […]


A Brief History of Digital Printing

In comparison to printing in general, the history of digital is comparatively shorter. It was back in 1439, when German businessman Johannes Gutenberg created a printing press that started the mass production of books. But […]


History of Billiards

Historical records about the exact genesis place and form of the game of billiards is inaccurate and ambiguous. The word billiard is derived from the French word ‘Bille” meaning ball, referring to a game involving […]


The History of Kilometers and Miles

The relationship between kilometers and miles is very simple to understand. One kilometer converts to 0.62 miles. One mile has 1760 yards in it or 1,609.344 meters. What few people know is the long history […]


History of Rifle Scopes

Our rifle scopes are most directly related to refracting telescopes of which the first practical versions were seen in about 1608 in the Netherlands. These first refracting telescopes are credited to Hans Lippershey and Zacharias […]