Use Your Powerful Mind: Healing Sleep Hypnosis / Deep Sleep Meditation / Mindful Movement | Video

Your mind is one of the most powerful tools available for healing, more powerful than any medication available. As you drift off to a deep, uninterrupted sleep tonight, fill your mind with profoundly healing thoughts and positive affirmations to encourage amazing health and vitality.
This practice is designed to help you balance the energy in your body and to overcome emotional and even physical issues by setting off a powerful healing response. Know that all healing is self-healing and by using this practice regularly, you can implement powerful healing within you.

? Choose a different sleep meditation for every night of the week:

Do not listen while driving.

Meditation was written and read by Sara Raymond
Music Credit: Adrift with Delta waves by Christopher Lloyd Clark licensed by Enlighten Audio
Photo Credit: Ruan Carlos from

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?I invite you to make yourself comfortable . . . here at The Mindful Movement, we are an oasis where you can come to tap into your inner peace, positive mindset, and the ability for self-healing.

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READ ALSO:  Guided Meditation - Blissful Deep Relaxation {VIDEO}

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  1. This meditation saved me from insomnia. I almost shout and cried coz i really cant sleep but when i listened to this i slowly fall asleep and wake up super! Thank u so much!

  2. ⛳गुरु सियाग सिद्धयोग (GSSY)⛳
    शक्तिपात दीक्षा, ध्यान व कुण्डली जागरण
    (पूर्णतः निःशुल्क)

    समर्थ सद्गुरुदेव श्री रामलालजी सियाग के फ़ोटो के ध्यान व दीक्षा मन्त्र के मानसिक जप से कुण्डलिनी जागरण से साधक में निम्नलिखित परिवर्तन आ जाते हैं:-

    1 ईश्वरीय सत्ता की प्रत्यक्षानुभूति
    2 दिव्य अनुभूतियाँ व सिद्धियाँ
    3 परम आनन्द, नाम खुमारी व शांति
    4 गृहस्थ जीवन में भोग व मोक्ष
    की सहज प्राप्ति
    5 विद्यार्थियों की एकाग्रता व स्मरण शक्ति में अभूतपूर्व वृद्धि
    6 छुपी हुई प्रतिभा का प्राकट्य
    7 नशे से पूर्ण मुक्ति
    8 आवश्यतानुसार होने वाले आटोमेटिक योग से असाध्य रोगों सहित समस्त रोगों से मुक्ति

    ⛳समर्थ सद्गुरुदेव रामलालजी सियाग⛳

    ⛳संजीवनी मंत्र शक्तिपात दीक्षा हेतु डायल करें⛳

  3. This is one of my favorite healing videos. The affirmations are great. But it would be good if you have kept repeating the affirmations for longer because I don't always fall asleep before they finish and I have to keep rewinding it. I want my subconscious mind to hear the affirmations while I'm sleeping, not just the music.

  4. I love these videos. I've been having a rough time with my self love and healing journey and I started listening to these sleep meditation videos about 3 weeks ago and from the very first time the morning after I felt amazing and I'm so grateful. I was so down I felt like giving up on everything and overthinking everything and this helped me a lot and I've been having so many blessings come my way lately ?your mind can be a prison or you can make it your peace and I'm working hard to maintain peace

  5. I wonder whether it would work on someone who is not native in english..? I uhderstand everything perfectly, but in a deep state will my mind still process words spoken in different language that "primary" native one..??

  6. ugh… GOOOOOD JOB… if i actually fell asleep…. that means this work!!!!!!!. but i enjoyed it… your voice…
    I followed all of the instructions and relaxed everything and every part of my body to the max.
    I was asleep by 10 minutes in.

  7. A truly healing discovery for myself, the effect is positively transformational unfolding in a different way each day. After just listening every night for 1 week before drifting into sleep, my morning meditation practice has become less work (not 'trying so hard') and shifted to a more deeply introspective and relaxed practice.
    Thank you Mindful Movement!

  8. I have really bad Anxiety and just started seeing a doctor .Just started listening to these before bed .. And love them.. God bless you..

  9. I have been using this every night for the past few weeks, and I have to say it's incredible! I've been following you for a couple years and really started meditating with you last year regularly and it's been amazing! Truly! And this new 2 hour sleep meditation has been just the best for me. I've had trouble with sleeping since I was 12 years old started meditating at 19 to help me and been meditating now for over 30 years. Not until this guided meditation have I felt so well rested, and calm. I love you guys thank you for creating so many wonderful life enhancing and changing meditations.

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