Guided Meditation for Inner Peace and Calm / Mindful Movement | Video

This is a guided meditation to help you calm the sense of being overwhelmed and find peace from within. You will be guided through a relaxation to help you get curious about what you are feeling. This meditation will help you nurture yourself with unconditional love and compassion.

Headphones recommended for optimal experience. Do not listen while driving.

We also have a voice only version if you prefer to listen without music.

Meditation written and read by Sara Raymond
Photo Credit: Julia Cesar
Music: Ambient – The Ambient by Kevin MacLeod

?I invite you to make yourself comfortable . . . here at The Mindful Movement, we are an oasis where you can come to tap into your inner peace, positive mindset, and the ability for self-healing.

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  1. This was one of the best mediations I've done on Youtube. I did cry, and it helped me understand myself a bit more. Thank you. Work on self is self love <3

  2. Uwee that was intense, thank you. ? by the way this is the second time I meditation allows me to cry. The first one was with Jay Shetty podcast thank you guys for quite some time now I've been listening to some of your meditation sent today was the day that this worked thank you. My darn throat is blocked at the throat chakra if I am correct.

  3. The years that i have been in this life i come to realize that me and my thoughts and my messy inner peace have been my own worst enemy and that has to change. .. this meditation hit deep in my soul.

  4. WOW! That was exactly what I needed!!! The beautiful way you lead this meditation made me feel supported and at peace. Thank you for sharing this beautiful gift with us all… I am grateful

  5. I really like your calming voice. If I am busy but stressed out, I listen to your voice even if I am not listening to what you say. Just the voice itself calms me down.

  6. Just a few suggestions regarding the production of this video. Being able to hear the meditation guide swallowing is quite distracting, please make modifications so as that isn't so. Although music is nice everyone has musical preferences, most people however have inherent affinity towards natural sounds, particularly water; rain, waves etc. Lastly ending the session with such an abrupt recording stop, is unsettling. Perhaps 60 – 90 seconds of gentle fade out, this will allow people to disengage gently.
    Hope you appreciate the feedback and thank-you for providing a meditation that myself and others are looking for.
    Enjoy your days.

  7. Worst medication channel ever.Most of the things said in this are useless and can't be experienced.Too much pressure to follow the words.This isn't the meditation

  8. Sometimes i push this negative or feelings better put and try to continúe with my day but at the end of the day i cant wait to do a meditation to realease the,m, but as a solution of that and as my Family has teaching me is all about being present and accept these dificult or heavy emotions no mater how they are so this meditation help me and give strenght and positive energy to go to sleep so good night everybody and Peace to everyone??????

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