The Kingdom of God: 2 – David, Solomon and the Suspended Kingdom

A. David

1. In History

In I Samuel 15:28 we read that the kingdom is torn from Saul and given to David, a young shepherd who has established a relationship with the King of Kings out on his hillside, while keeping the flock (Psalm 23). Such a man is fit to rule the people of God, since God’s rule will flow through him. More than that, it is his family, the tribe of Judah, of the ancestry of Abraham, that had long before been chosen to bring the Christ into the world.

Immediately the Spirit of the Lord transfers from Saul to David, I Samuel 16:13, showing us the “intersection” of Heaven and earth once more in this Kingdom matter. Let no one tell us today that an “earthly” kingdom cannot also be a “heavenly” one. Israel is God’s kingdom. Israel is filled with God. It is heavenly and it is earthly.

2. In Covenant

II Samuel 5:12, David knew that it was the LORD who had established Him, and that HE had exalted the Kingdom for Israel’s sake. This was confirmed to him by direct revelation from God, II Samuel 7: 8 through 16. The incredible Davidic covenant included several factors:

a. God’s people Israel will have a permanent place

b. Rather than David building God a House, God is going to build David “a house”.

c. His own son (Solomon) will build the temple.

d. God will establish the THRONE of David FOREVER!

e. Though Solomon fail (and he did!) the MERCY of God will not be taken from David, so as to change the LINE of ancestry.

f. David’s HOUSE (family line) and THRONE (rule) are to be FOREVER

Forever is a long time. But because the house and the Throne of David will culminate in the man Christ Jesus, forever is how long we will see this promise fulfilled. David had a son, who had a son, etc…

3. In Prophecy

An astounding collection of texts conclusively proves the connection between David’s Throne and Christ’s, showing that the “intersection” is to remain, and be an eternal thing.

a. Psalm 18:50 declares the mercy of God to David’s descendants “forevermore”.

b. Psalm 89 is a pure anthem of testimony to the Covenant with David, saying God has SWORN that David’s seed and David’s Throne are secure forever, as surely as the sun and moon exist.

c. Psalm 132:11 promises with another oath that the fruit of David’s body will sit on David’s throne!

d. Isaiah joins in with His famous chapter 9, where in verse 7 he speaks of the endless government of the Son-Who-is-the-Father on the throne of DAVID. Also see Isaiah 16:5, compared to Matthew 25:31.

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e. Jeremiah’s “Branch”, 23:5, is to be of this house.

f. Jeremiah 30:9 speaks of a raised-up David who will be their king after the Day of Jacob’s Trouble.

g. Jeremiah 33: 14-26 reports more oath-like confirmations of God’s promise to raise from David’s House a Branch, under whose shade Israel will be secure.

h. Ezekiel boldly predicts that the one shepherd who shall feed Israel in the last days is actually David. 34:23-24, 37:24-25.

4. In the Life of Christ Jesus

Jesus is soon and often called the “Son of David.” By angels and blind men and sinners and saints, the connection is quickly made from the Old Covenant to the New. The Son of David. The New David. The King has come. Matthew 1:1, 1:20, 9:27, 15:22, 21:9. That was indeed the thinking of the apostles and those to whom Jesus ministered. Messiah is here. Only the religious leaders rejected this claim, for obvious reasons!

Jesus does not deny the title when dealing with them, but adds to it in his riddle to the Pharisees, Matthew 22: 41-46. He wants to know how the coming Messiah (Christ) can be called Son of David, and Lord, at the same time. How could He be God and man? They not only had no clue, but they decided not to throw any questions Jesus’ way any more.

The clearest New Testament reference to the transfer of the seat of His great ancestor to His greater Self is in Luke 1:32. (Jesus) will be great, and will be called the Son of the Highest (God), and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father (ancestor) David. And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end.

B. Solomon

After the death of David, the kingdom is established in the hand of Solomon (I Kings 2:46). But a problem arises. The promises suddenly seem to be conditional, as God looks ahead into Solomon’s life and sees things there that do not match up with a true spiritual kingdom, a fellowship with God and man. In I Kings 9:4, God makes the future of Solomon’s kingdom conditional on Solomon’s behavior. Serious problem. Solomon’s behavior did not measure up, to say it politely. The kingdom is to be taken from Solomon. The house of God is to be cast out. God will not spare. Now how will He do this, and keep the mountain of oaths regarding David?

I Kings 11:11 is where the sad news comes to David’s son that the kingdom is to be ripped from him, in the next generation. But he is told that for the sake of his father, and we must believe for the sake of the Greater David to come, one tribe is to remain intact, the tribe of Judah. Small though it is, it will be called “the kingdom” also (II Kings 14:5)

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C. Suspension

The fortunes of both Judah and the rest of Israel vary through the coming years, but the general direction, because of growing idolatry and disobedience of every kind, is down. Israel is taken captive by the Assyrians, never to regain its glory days. Judah follows the same route, and towards her end a horrible promise is made to one of the last kings of the line. (Jeremiah 22:30). Coniah (Jeconiah) will have sons, but they will not succeed him on the throne. He will never see a son or physical descendant of his on the throne of David. Yet Jeconiah is a true descendant of that noble King. Where are the promises of God? (see also comments about Jehoiakim in Jeremiah 36:30) Matthew 1’s genealogy is a key to the answer, followed by Luke 3’s.

David had another son than Solomon, through whom comes Jeconiah and the curse. Nathan. Through Nathan eventually will be born Mary. Thus David’s house will produce a Son who rules. Now, Coniah’s blood line ends in Joseph (one angel even calls Joseph “Son of David”!) but by Jewish law Jesus is King by legal descent from David and fleshly descent from Mary.

To the point at hand, suspension, another promise is made by Hosea, in 3:4-5 of his prophecy: The children of Israel are to be without a king or prince, without sacrifice or any of the priestly trappings, for many days. Then Israel shall return, seek God, and DAVID! and fear the Lord in the “latter days.” It must be clear to even the casual reader that this promise has not yet been totally fulfilled. It serves as the explanation of the rest of Jewish history even unto our day. It also serves as the final bridge between the Old Testament “throne of David” and the New Testament entity of that name. It should prove to those who feel God is “finished” with Iisrael that He has barely begun. For where David leaves off, Messiah will begin.

But for now, suspension of the Israel-only Kingdom, as it gets fattened a bit by some worthy Gentiles. Made worthy by the blood of the Messiah.


by Bob Faulkner