
History of Billiards

Historical records about the exact genesis place and form of the game of billiards is inaccurate and ambiguous. The word billiard is derived from the French word ‘Bille” meaning ball, referring to a game involving […]


Computer Rentals

Computer rental companies provide computers for trade shows, training seminars, and online examinations or even as a personal computer, for any length of time. The number of computers rented may range from one to thousand. […]


Using a "Cake Making" Analogy, I Explain Why One Can’t "Explain" the Experience of Spirituality

“Spirituality” is a very ‘generalized’ term, yet… It is a rather ‘personal’ affair. Whereas I have written of many ‘insights’ into essential Spirituality with heaps of ‘Knowledge’, that with a wee bit of inner Inspiration… […]


What Is Data Science?

Data science is a present-day technology world using a very common term. It is a multi-disciplinary entity that deals with data in a structured and unstructured manner. It uses scientific methods and mathematics to process […]