R programming for beginners – This video is an introduction to R programming. I have another channel dedicated to R teaching: https://www.youtube.com/c/rprogramming101 In this video I provide a tutorial on some statistical analysis (specifically using the t-test and linear regression). I also demonstrate how to use dplyr and ggplot to do data manipulation and data visualisation. Its R programming for beginners really and is filled with graphics, quantitative analysis and some explanations as to how statistics work. If you’re a statistician, into data science or perhaps someone learning bio-stats and thinking about learning to use R for quantitative analysis, then you’ll find this video useful. Importantly, R is free. If you learn R programming you’ll have it for life.
This video was sponsored by the University of Edinburgh. Find out more about their programmes at http://edin.ac/2pTfis2
This channel focusses on global health and public health – so please consider subscribing if you’re someone wanting to make the world a better place – I’d love to you join this community. I have videos on epidemiology, study design, ethics and many more.
Very useful video
Awesome Greg
excellent video finally someone bringing it at the right pace
played it at at 0.75x speed and it was perfect! thank you!
Great video! Following the Rchannel allready. Thx!
you are teaching something real interesting but your words are fast
Thanks for making this video. I am encountering trouble as a newbie R learner. When I try to run the following, I get an error in the t-test statement. It looks identical to what you have on the video.
x <- mean(gapminder$gdpPercap)
df1 <- gapminder %>%
select(country,lifeExp) %>%
filter(country == "South Africa" |
country == "Ireland") %>%
group_by(country) %>%
summarise(Average_life = mean(lifeExp))
t.test(data = df1, lifeExp ~ country)
I get this error when executing the last statement: Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'lifeExp' not found. The preceding source is OK since x and df1 are printed correctly.
Just commented out the "group_by" and "summarise" and the pipe at the end of the filter(). That worked and t-test was run. Back to the drawing board.
slow it down to 0.75 and it'll feel normal(at least for me)
Hi i am trying to use "mutate" to add a new column B that calculates differences between, consecutive cells of column A… say B2 = A2-A1 , B3= A3-A2 .. etc , using diff() function, but since this new column has one element less , i get an error. Any ideas? I am a total newbie.
am I the only one here who thinks he's the older version of Ryan Reynolds!!!
Fast and precise, I like it a lot.
it is very good! Except that package dyplr does not function with R 3.6.2. Any suggestions? I am running R through RStudio as you are.
Great tutorial! Which tool do you use to make these compelling videos?
Data science with R
please send the data file
very stupid video
The function filter is not working..How can i resolve that..?
ffs the cringe
Thank you!
How to add the regression equation and coefficient of determination
That was an epic video!
i mean bad girl
he is very bad boy
my students keep touching my laptop
I'm year 1
u suck noob
A great video indeed
Great video!! Thanks for this lesson 🙂 There's a typo at 5:00 (height)
Maybe for a beginners you should define some of the terms and be a little more in depth in the instructions.
The production value of this channel tho
Please how can I down load it this course for my later use.
Thank you for you give this course free which I did not get when I was attending in university class. I motivated and feel confidence to do and continue a research in one of health problems.
I just realised 5:09 they spelt height wrong… haha
Thank you for introducing the 'attach' and 'and then' (%>%) function and 'or' symbol! Efficient and clear.