
How Does Medical Marijuana Work For Crohn’s Disease?

Medical marijuana has developed into a treatment for painful gastrointestinal disorders that involve bowel inflammation and cramping. These diseases include colitis, Crohn’s disease, and Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Often with these diseases patients can suffer […]


Training Your Subconscious Mind

We’ve all heard of incantations in the realm of magic (spelled Magick these days to distinguish it from stage magic) but don’t know the true power of incantations. What is an incantation? An incantation is […]


Tarot Card Reading – The Fool

A deck of Tarot cards tells a new ‘story’ each time, for each reading and for each person. Every story begins with a zero, which signifies our Trust in our intuitions, decisions and the promise […]


Defining Applied Occult Metaphysics

Applied Occult Metaphysics: A Potential Definition Metaphysics and the Metaphysical Sciences are the study of the conceptual, theoretical, philosophical, psychological spiritual truths, universal laws, the occult, the supernatural, and the supra-natural. It is the philosophical […]