
The Basics of Skin Cancer

There was once a time, when cancer was a disease that was considered rare and something that was almost unheard of, for most people. Today, the doctors encounter a growing number of people who are […]


A Cancer Story

In the beginning of August 2016 my daughter in-law Andrea told her mother and me that she was told by her doctor that she had third stage cancer of the uterus and third stage cancer […]


Sleep Tips for Teens

Do you have trouble sleeping? Are you lying awake at night staring at your ceiling waiting for sleep to come? Or do you wake up during the night and anxiously await going back to sleep? […]


An Overview Of Colon Cancer

In the lower part of the colon lies the large intestine. This form of cancer is an overgrowth of cells that appears in that area of the intestines. It will usually start small, as a […]