Develop A Clear Understanding Of Your Spiritual Path Using Magick

If you have ever wanted to know what your personal path is, it is far easier than you think to discover.

This is about understanding who you truly are, then pushing to clearly comprehend where you need to go from here.

Most people don’t understand that knowing who you are and what you want to do in life is sort of automatic once you understand yourself.

You just do what you’re aligned with and don’t think about it too much – it’s an automatic thing, and once you think about it you realize everything is pretty much in order – nothing is out of place.

Those who are thinking about it likely aren’t in the right place in life.

They’re slightly off track and need to re-align to their correct path – which might feel a little weird, but is entirely necessary.

Think of this like not knowing what you want to focus on in school – then just doing whatever you think would allow you to buy some time so that you can figure things out later.

You would end up with schooling that doesn’t really align with who you truly are – and that’s the problem for most people – they don’t see that you have to have things figured out before you select your classes.

I’m not saying that you have to figure everything out before the first day of school – you just have to know in general what you want to do and fill in the blanks from there.

Some people don’t really think about their classes, but know generally that they are on the right paths.

Though it might be a risk to think of it that way – life in general is a risk.

You can’t plan everything out thoroughly in a way a daily routine can be mapped out – everything has to be adlibbed, sometimes on a daily basis, so that you can feel into your experience – your spiritual path and thereby understand where you need to go.

It’s a very subtle change that happens when you know where you’re going versus not understanding where you’re going but still charging ahead.

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Just imagine if you didn’t know where you were going, but you just drove your car on the freeway – vaguely trying to get somewhere you weren’t really sure about.

That’s not how anyone does anything, but you can use tools to help guide you – you don’t have to feel lost all the time.

The spirits can guide us in ways that some have likely never imagined.

They can guide us to understanding ourselves, our spiritual path, and specifically where to go from here, and that’s a beautiful thing…

Gaap – Guides you to understand your life path in very clear and specific terms; you just understand where and why you need to go, then enables you to understand which steps to take and when.

Michel (fallen angel) – Enables you to understand your life path in a very specific and clear way; you just comprehend how you need to act and what steps you need to take and when. You fully get where you have been, why you were there, and where you need to go from here in totality.

These spirits can open your eyes and reveal why you have been on your current path, and why you need to change direction and explore elsewhere.

Though this is not a small change, the positive directional change in your life will enable you to see, feel and experience your true life path in full without compromise.

You will just know you’re aligned with yourself without any questions.

Some spirits specialize in guiding others onto their paths, and it can be equally difficult to help others see where they need to go.

They need a big change, and you can feel that they don’t really know where to go from here.

This is a big move, but the spirits can help them see where they need to shift their lives…

Lavel (fallen angel) – Guides the target to understand their life and where they need to go; they comprehend fully and completely where they need to go, their life path so far, and all the steps needs to get where they need to be.

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Kratos (Greek spirit) – Grants the target deep understanding of their life path so far and guides them to see where they need to go from here; enables them to see deeply into their life paths so that the future isn’t confusing whatsoever – they just know where they need to go, when to move, and how to get there without any confusion.

Though we might be guiding others on their journeys, we can still seek guidance for ours.

No single path is an island, and you have the ability to help others as you seek out your own path.

Just don’t fall into the trap of coercing others into a path that makes no sense for them – that’s what the people who have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about like to espouse onto others.

It’s not remotely a good idea to feign spiritual understanding and give life guidance to those who are in need of some direction.

If their life compass doesn’t work, how can they guide others to know what direction they need to go?

It doesn’t make sense, but the spirits know who is trustworthy and can guide you and others to finding their paths.

We just can’t fall for the spiritual charlatans that want to derail us and guide us to become more confused.

This is about us and guiding others to align with who they truly are as we align to who we truly are.

The spirits can help us and they can guide others as well – but you need to be open to accepting a potentially huge life change depending on what your true life path is.

They can guide us but you have to be open to the change.


by Donald B. Johnson