Guided Meditation for Releasing Subconscious Blockages (Sleep Meditation for Clearing Negativity) {VIDEO}

Relax, visualize, and rejuvenate as you descend into a beautiful dream-like journey which will plant your powerful seeds for setting all of your positive intentions and overcoming all inner-self limitations.

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Welcome to this guided meditation experience for helping you to release subconscious blockages and clear negativity from your deeper mind before your refreshing bedtime sleep.

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This sleep meditation and dreaming experience may be repeated as often as you choose to reinforce your nightly calmness, assist with stress relief, reduce anxiety, and resolve insomnia.

By your own inner direction may you continue to find your greatest waking potential.

This session is suitable and recommended for repeated listening, and regular listening will help compound positive suggestions and / or your own positive results.

The end of this session will offer suggestions for drifting and dreaming into a naturally sound and refreshing bedtime sleep.

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Peace & Enjoy

— Please LINK & SHARE this video with those who you think might benefit from positive hypnosis and guided meditation. Thank you.


More MP3 Download Collections:

5 Hypnosis Sessions MP3 Collection:

Sleep Hypnosis Ultimate Special Collection 5 x MP3s

Original vocals and photography by Michael Sealey © 2017

Royalty Free Stock Footage and Animations credits:
Footage Island

Music credit:
“Tranquility Base”
Kevin MacLeod



  1. Wow! Thank you so much Michael Sealey! I listened to your entire video before going to sleep.
    Although, I wasn't sure if it was working or not because I felt like my mind was distracted while listening. It was at some points hard for me to follow along, but I still just continued to listen anyway, and at the end, I believe I ended up drifting off to sleep. I had different dreams. Each one reflected my different fears and my different beliefs. It was like each dream revealed to me what I believe in and also what I fear. Whenever I woke up in between each dream, I would immediately write down what I dreamed of before going back to sleep. So far, I remember having 3 different dreams last night. Although, two of the 3 dreams were very short. The last dream was the longest, and I know I may have possibly missed something in the the longer dream. But, I will try to reflect on all them to seek better understanding. But, thank you so much again! You are remarkable. I now trust your work 🙂
    I truly would like to go further with this with you, it was so hard for me to find something or someone that I trust listening to.

  2. Is it best to listen to this while sitting comfortably in a chair or on a couch, and then go to bed, or to listen to it while lying down in bed?

  3. Omg u really amazing. Wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart. U help me to discover my deepest desires, thoughts and my inner self. I feel very good. This is the best way to go to sleep and also listening everytime u need. Wish you all the best ? thank u thank u thank u

  4. For people who cant afford doctors, dont want to poison their bodies and minds with medications, and those who truly desire to transform themselves genuinely the right way, this guy is one of the tops I've found to do so.

  5. Wow. I just realized earlier today I needed to do some shadow work and was only listening to this to give me a starting place. I never imagined it would be so effective so quickly! I had to stop because I need to do this in a place where I'm not worried about the noise I'm making lol. Thank you, for this, thank you ???

  6. During this meditation I felt intense pressure in my forehead and in the back of my head over my ears. I also had a small circular concentrated pain in my chest … All subsided once the meditation was about 3/4 over. can anyone tell me what this may mean?

  7. After listening to this Woke up with a lump feeling in my throat. It’s the middle of the night. Drinking mineral water to try get it to pass. Feels like I unblocked something but it is now stuck in my throat? Is this even possible?

  8. Very interesting. I saw a pyramid it looked like the back of a dollar bill. Then I saw the door to a vault, it was open and I could see inside, it was dark inside, but it was open. I hope I've released some subconscious block and negativity towards money.??

  9. With the way you make the journey so visual and amazing and extraordinary it’s like you are letting me be a child again and just experience joy from a loving parent – that’s something I missed out on and after listening to a lot of your mediations now I realise you are taking to the deep subconscious as a curious child who is interested in creativity and wonder. I don’t know if I’m right or wrong on this but I absolutely love it. I’ve meditated for years but this! This is pure bliss. From the bottom of my heart thankyou – you have given me so much. I’m forever grateful.

  10. Trying to find his hypnosis that is walking on the beach and releasing a heavy weight tied to you…. does anyone remember this? Can you help me find it Michael? Thanks ?

  11. Can u make one to deal with a lost of a pet, or a person. My cat past away earlier today and I'm already missing him. I know it sounds childish, but its really hard to get over him.

  12. For years and years, I've been searching to understand myself and mind, and this video truly helped me finally understand what to look for and how to change. ❤?❤

  13. You know what I think is awesome, there are actually people who will place ads while your meditating , these guys lose a lot of money and do this out of love like Micheal….

  14. It was a strange experience, part of my head was numb from the middle of meditation and that feeling was getting stronger…
    Left back side…
    Maybe someone knows why?

  15. After listening to this one, I had sleep paralysis on repeat.
    I asked the thing bothering that I wasn't afraid, smiled and spread my arms if she wanted a hug(don't think I did physically however), and I believe she needed it badly.
    I don't know what it means, but I felt relief.

  16. Thank you so much! I've been listening to your channel for 2 weeks now and have noticed dramatic changes over my attitude towards my life. I get more positive, active, and even more beautiful (gained compliments over unknowns). Will keep this as my life-long habbits!!!

  17. Quiero agradecerte, soy mexicana y he encontrado en tus videos gran alivio, me han ayudado mucho. I will forever be thankfull for what u do.

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